Right so when I was growing up the referee wore black. ‘You black bastárd’ used to ring out across most stadiums in the country when a decision went against them. Was that racist?
I was referring to nowadays.I always thought it was "who's the ****** in the black?" when a crowd disputed a decision though. Obviously in the context you quote in the past no.
WTAF. It's as plain as day what he said W**k B*****ds, those posting he said differet are just sad sacks .
Hope not - Luke always comes across as very knowledgeable and passionate about the club. Don't let this spoil all the good work
Completely agree, never used to watch unless alone. Now it's got to the point where I don't listen just because I'm sick of hearing it every other word. They all seem nice lads, and most of them, with the exception of one or two, know their stuff and are passionate. I hope they can recover from this, Luke in particularly has clearly worked extremely hard to make it what it is. And I do hope they read some of the comments wishing them luck, and to carry on... and hopefully about toning the swearing down so it's not every second word, and I'd be confident of them getting more viewers and bouncing back. Awful, awful place is Twitter.
Listened to it very loud and slowed down ..he clearly says W*nk... Was lucky enuff to be behind the lads at the Accrington away game and was on the video..brilliant commentary and really funny..ya do a great job lads ..keep doing it
He's talking about a team. A team who lost a game that meant his bet didn't come in. If it had been Wednesday who had lost he may have said blue and white bostids. That's the point of this, he wasn't addressing a person, so even if you heard black then it couldn't be racist. It didn't make sense if you heard black and couldn't be racist.
I think this is an important point ... if the word black had been used, none of the sentence made sense. If people listened to the context surrounding issues (and didn't create things that weren't there), Twitter and the world would be a whole better place.
sadly in todays modern times if you dig long enough and deep enough you'll find something you think is offensive, the word racist is thrown about all to easily ( usually to fit someones political stance) and this tends to sadly detract from the genuine cases of vile racism
https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/bbc-announcer-forced-clarify-line-23770914 Not that this is the same, but people have (apparently) complained because CHIS (covert human intelligence source) sounds like 'Jizz'
The only way it would make sense if you thought he said black would be if the team that ruined his acca were the New Zealand rugby team. Which obviously wouldn't be racist. Black isn't a racist word, it's a colour. And if you used the word black before a swear word and were referring to darth vada, coal, liquorice or George Courtney you're obviously not being racist. For some reason people have lost the ability to deal with context.
Mountain out of a molehill isn't it? Something that sounded like a racist slur is immediately cleared up by the hosts. No issues. Now if they could stop effing and jeffing every other sentence that would be great also.