I only saw it live. I'm absolutely fine in taking your evaluation of it. Kitching should have been sent off. So why is there a thread claiming we have been hard done by when we got away with one a minute or two earlier? Never mind over a season, or even 90 minutes, it's already evened itself out in the first 5 minutes of a single game. It makes zero sense to constantly be scrutinising every decision a referee makes when it's against us and completely ignore all decisions that go in our favour. Let it go mate. We are not hard done by. One of the great parts of football is there is room for debate. But debate, not believing we get the shitty end of the stick. We're doing amazing considering our finances and our attacking options. We've lost one for the first time since October. Our captain jumped on someone's back. Good on him, that's what I want him to do if someone gets past him. Mostly he's gets away with it, this time he didn't, next week he will, and we'll win again. Let's be pragmatic in defeat and look cool. We get much better friends and a lot more sex with much sexier women that way.
So if a ref isn’t being impartial when he treats players/teams differently in similar situations on several occasions what can we say he is being? Today, he constantly told Barnsley players exactly where he wanted throws taken from and ensured they didn’t ‘steal’ a yard or 2. Whereas on several similar occasions nothing was said or indicated to Bolton players where to take the throw from, which resulted in yards being ‘ Stolen’ every time. I find myself saying this in many games And I stick by it, if players of both sides are not treated equally then it is cheating.
I’ve watched that clip & still can’t make out exactly what’s happened & whether Kitching is close enough to cover or not. I think it’s just the general frustration that we don’t get penalties & other teams seem to get almost every debatable one against us. It’d almost be nice if they were all stone wallers like the one Celtic gave away against Rangers & then at least you can say you deserved what you got.
In the same game early in the 2nd half Cundy had his shirt clearly pulled when up for a corner & the ref was looking straight at it. 100% penalty. No debate, no question marks over who fouled who first or exaggerating contact. Cundy got the run on the Bolton player who grabbed his shirt straight in front of the ref & he doesn’t blow. Just frustrating, like the whole match. I don’t think there’s any conspiracy or anything like that, we just seem to be having a bit of bad luck of late.
I still can’t make it out off of that. Does their forward pull Mads back first or does Mads just mis judge the bounce, hard to tell.
Watched it on ITV tonight, they show the action from further out and closer up than anything else I’ve seen and their player definitely pulled Mads arm back and therefore a foul. Having said that, Mads should’ve been stronger in the tussle.
Poor refereeing all game. Gross inconsistency is a constant theme. On the penalty; the Bolton striker was clearly shot just below both knees by snipers positioned in the bottom two rows of the Ponty. You can’t fault him for going down in the way he did. Bullets hurt.
Sadly if you give the ref a decision to make there's a good chance you will give a pen away 2 pens in 2 games mads has gave away now. V Fleetwood was clumsy today I'm.not sure wether he misjudged the bounce or what but its cost us. Never a sending off though.
With these sort of incidents, I wish the refs could handle it differently, more leniently. I wish they were allowed to give a booking and a pen. But if he's already been booked though, then I guess it has to be a sending off. But what if the ref could order the player to be subbed instead ?. He gets punished, his team keep 11 men on the pitch, and they get a pen. Everyone's a winner!.
Its a decision we haven't been given all season when we get in the opponents box......that's what annoys. It was a pen (imho,) but there's 5 of 1 and 6 of the other leading up to that and normally the defence get those decisions.
Take a look at the pigs penalty against cambridge. Where is the consistency. Both similar incidents. And I'd argue the cambridge player was more of a red card offence.
I think it's 50/50 sending off. On first few viewings, I thought once he'd given the pen, he'd have to send him off. But on the flip side, Charles never actually had possession of the ball, he was on the edge of the box, and the ball was head high with Kitching getting back. But if it's at the other end, I'm thinking it's a definite red.
Penalty all day for me, we'd already had a warning and Kitching had nearly done the same, sending off marginal call, gave the ref a decision to make on that and he plumped for the red card, it would never get rescinded and we won't appeal it. Very poor from Mads, he was the right side and let the Bolton striker bully him out of the way and then have to foul him.
Can appeal a straight red (can't appeal 2 yellows in the same game), but fairly certain it's only a 1 game ban. Need to be sent off for violent conduct to get 3 games.
Could be wrong but I thought sending off for a foul denying a goal scoring opportunity was a 1 game ban and sendings-off aren't competition specific. So defo no need to appeal, serve the ban during the Cup game and have Mads back for Charlton. As I say, I could be wrong!
Now that I've seen the official highlights video, which shows the full sequence of events, I'm convinced that Mads was pulled back before the ball entered the box. If he'd gone down, we'd have been awarded a free kick. He didn't, and opted to tussle inside the box. I'm disappointed that the ref missed the foul on Mads, but given that he did, I can't argue against the consequences. The second goal was gift-wrapped, which was in keeping with the time of year, and should have sealed the game. Yet even after that we had a couple of good opportunities. Sadly we failed to hit the target. Just one goal might have made the difference and made Bolton think twice before leaving their own half. Instead they put on a holiday extravaganza that understandably found favour with their supporters. I don't hold any grudges, but I'll honestly be surprised if they're singing quite so loudly at the end of the season. Time will tell. I was pleased that our players stuck to their guns under difficult circumstances and I'm still confident we can have a top six finish. Final score: Referee 1 Joke defending 1 Bolton 1 Reds 0