No, it was £40 last season also. Good value too, as well as the shirt we had iFollow access to midweek away games during lockdown.
I really don't know what folk were expecting. But I thought all along they would be discount vouchers. And Not for eg £50 to spend in the shop vouchers. Also, yes the shirt was included. A saving of £8.In my case. But as said in a previous post in a different thread. I see nothing for the reason of the delay in issuing. ( over 8 months in the making) This more than anything gets my back up.
Ap Apparently they’ve been printed weeks ago but couldn’t be released until paid for. That’s how skint the club seems to be. Guess Ben Williams sale paid for them!
I guess that is a possibility. But my point is they should have been made available at least by the start of the season. A problem with the printers was an excuse at the fan engagement months ago when the new CEO joined. Another Marketing balls up.
So you were just expecting £50 of vouchers, to spend how you wanted? I doubt most people were to be fair. If they were going to do that, I imagine they would have just knocked £50 off the price of a season ticket. Personally, things like 'free pie when you buy a pint' is exactly what I was expecting. I always buy a pint, so to me it's a free pie. I'll probably buy something from the club shop at some point. So a £5 voucher means I'm spending £5 less than I would have. etc.
The vouchers shouldn't be a free pie when you buy a pint etc. They should be a free pie. I've already paid for the vouchers, I shouldn't have to pay more money in order to be able to use the vouchers
Are there any vouchers I can use to stop the annoying, buffering commercials, every time I try and watch an interview on iFollow? For 140 quid a year, I don't think ads should be allowed.