Should be a cracker and difficult to call which way it'll go but I I still think there might be a couple more twists and turns to come after tonight
I can visualise a golden point decision tonight but, like you say, it’s still not going to be decided for definite either way
Coincidently, there was a film called The Wildcats of St Trinians and Wakey Trin were briefly called the Wildcats !
This should be in the 'Made me laugh' comedy thread lol. Watching these two teams scratch and claw at each other at the bottom of the table, while Feth watch on and take the mick. Its hilarious.
FC UK knows mate. It's like kids playing in a playground. Your fart went down wind and stayed away from the burger stand. You win.
Brilliant win that. Long way to go but much improved from Cas on and off the field. Great to see the ‘Tigersfrumtarn’ Cas/BFC flag get so much air time at the end of the game.
Odd thing to say about a former mining community from someone who follows a team that represents a former mining community!