Can you get me a short, double headed over hang, a long stand and some Clitoris Oil while you're there?
Our son was in Owen's Park ,accommodation last year in Fallowfield, Manchester. It's a lovely area for students, very safe,clean,close to the city centre,he still lives in Fallowfield. I don't know how this story is being spun in the media. The truth is that Manchester is a safe city and the students add a lot to life of it. We saw it last night before the media got hold of it and were very happy the students took action themselves, with no injuries. The way all Campus based students in Manchester have been treated since September, has been at unlawful and have their rights denied,while still paying full fees and rents. A belated apology from the Vice Chancellor is not enough, they need to be gone,their mismanagement through the Pandemic is pathetic. Has Andy Burnham said or done anything yet? If our son would have still been at Owen's Park, then the University would have had a very angry parent in their offices this morning. I suspect there have been many parents complaining. It's all very sinister what they did,thete is some very strange things being done in this country. Be alert.
It's **** and someone needs to resign. Disgraceful, not because they were locked in, fences are crap anyhow, but even to think about it without any consultation is just crackers. "Sorry, we forgot to send you an email to tell you we were going to fence you in." Pricks.
No, it really, really isn't. It's people being fenced in, not let out of where they live. How can you actually think that this is OK? WTF is wrong with you?
Oh stop moaning, it's only some students physically locked in their homes. What's wrong with that? I was called all sorts a few weeks ago for mentioning being locked in. It'd never happen apparently...
Absolutely nothing TF wrong with me Read the article properly, do your research They were not fenced in They were not "not let out of where they live" I'll do your research for you eh? They (uni spokespersons) stressed students could still come and go and were not being locked-down, however those living in halls said they felt they had been “barricaded in” The truth is out there
They were literally 20ft high, people were literally screaming in horror and they were literally injecting them with covid vaccines wearing full nazi clothing. DISGRACEFUL!
If that fits your little narrative, go for it. Nasty old me, living alone most of the week, not caring haven't seen my parents for months. Draining the NHS coffers for his salary. What a *******! Or perhaps I'm just taking the piss out of the unnecessary need for exagerration on here to prove otherwise valid points. I dunno...