Good for you opening. Everything should have been open. British resilience gets lost when we get a few flakes.
Anno what you saying but side roads and pavements around us are horrendous, accidents waiting to happen
It was crazy how quickly it came, a real blizzard with it sheeting hailstones sideways at first. Thankfully, I managed to get off early at 3:30pm. I’m not looking forward to the next couple of days, especially Thurs morning. Somewhere between -4 and -9 here at the same hour tomorrow night, depending on who people trust. I always go by Met.
What is ‘British resilience’ and is it equally the same in all British Nations? Also, does it vary regionally within the countries?
She's walked again, I'm WFH. Couldn't have driven if I'd tried- car doors all frozen up. EDIT. The old mansion I have a mild obsession with is (was) behind those trees.
I drove to work one morning around 10-15 years ago and the car thermometer read -15. All I can remember is that the light felt different to what it normally does. I did speak to people in the Yukon when we visited and they were telling us it gets to -40 in the Winter and when it does the sound changed around the valley and it felt like cars driving miles away were almost in the front room.