It all depends which bits are included. The population of Sheffield is typically always grouped into City Population, or the Urban area which typically includes Rotherham. The best breakdown I can find for all areas in Yorkshire is here: According to that you’re looking at: 494,706 for the City. Include the other parish areas and you get: 556,521
Amidst all the furious masturbating on their forums about the size of their support, the Fritzls have paused just long enough to suggest they're getting another 10k tickets.
I'm almost in favour of the club spending £1m and buying 10k worth of tickets and leaving them empty.
Gior. more of em to see us beat em. Walking down Wembley way after the game. growling " dingle six fingered sister loving ********"
Said almost just to see them implode on their forum. As others have said they have more fans so it's only fair to let them have more tickets. As long as its managed safely.