I'm not embarrassed to say I've had a few tears over this so can't imagine how Bradley's parents feel.
Wednesday have tweeted from the official account so it looks like it's real. The lads have been named all over social media too - so they've basically fcked it.
As long as the the little lads family are allowed to take baseball bats in with them to reeducate the scum bags.
What do you expect from them, racially attack their former manager and owner and now this. Wednesday ********.
Have to be careful here not to brand the entire SWFC support for this when it's clearly two idiots responsible just to be fair about it.
Named and shamed all over twitter, linkedin accounts found and their employers tagged. They're going to be in a whole heap of ****.
In my opinion that looks like a photoshopped image. Just my opinion ofcorse. There's a sick puppy somewhere, either the guy holding the picture, or the numbskull who edited it. My reason would be how clear the image is with no glare off the screen whatsoever despite the presence of so much artificial lighting. It also appears that the guys' fingers have magically become transparent. All that being said, someone needs leathering.
My other half has connections to Wickersley and she's seen one of the girlfriends is a teacher and the school is already underfire from everywhere because of this. When morons do evil and braindead things like this, they never realise its not just them it could potentially affect, its their partners and their families, their businesses and their future.
It just looks far too bright. All this photo proves is that someone is holding a phone. Its so easy for someone to alter what's displayed on it. Hopefully the truth (whatever it is) will be uncovered.
my question would be, why would anybody photoshop that and what on earth would they be holding up otherwise? It would have had to be a full screen image.
Just been announced on national news the the police are now actively hunting them down. Any one with a heart would shop them.
Can only hope it's photoshopped because I really don't want to believe anyone, even Wednesday numpties, could be so vile...
Let's not forget that 2 lowlife does not represent a fan base. I have been reading about it on twitter and Wednesday fans are unanimous in condemning this, and a fans group have raised £2000 between them already for the Bradley Lowery Foundation. That's a classy response that isolates these people for what they are.
It looks photoshopped, but I could be wrong. I suppose that we will find out soon. Either way it's disgusting.