But then if your photoshopping that to put 2 innocent lads in the **** for something like that your just as bad, horrible people.
I am a bit conscious that it could be a photoshop. However, if it is, then that to me makes it even worse than if it was these two, because that then means some anonymous moron has gone out of their way to publicly set up innocent people and ruin their lives.
If it's photoshopped (it looks like it could be) then a lot of stuff has gone down based on something sick. Both lads and I believe their other halfs have had their information like home address, places of work posted on line and their bosses emailed and tagged in posts. It wouldn't surprise me if they have had to move away for their own safety, which even if it's legit they shouldn't have to do.
One point if it is photoshop is these 2 could come forward and confirm what is really on the screen..
Thing is for me, if it were photoshopped I would have thought we'd know by now. I know if it were me in that photo and I knew it wasn't real, I'd be all over national media making sure everyone in the country knew.
And, of course, everyone would believe you. It looks shopped to me but then the question becomes by who and why? Hopefully the truth comes out and the guilty, whether these two or not, get suitably punished.
Quite easily. They can prove that the guy has never googled for pictures of Bradley and has not deleted any photos he might have already had in his phone. The more you look at it, the more it looks fake. Looking at the shadows, although I am no expert, it seems to me to have been taken in daylight. I am astonished that the mainstream media are actually quoting their names before its been clarified whether it is genuine. They could end up being in a lot of trouble if it turns out to be fake.
If it turns out to be photoshopped, it leads to other questions then, primarily of course what sick git would come up with using young Bradley's picture and memory? But then was it a hatchet job on the lads in the picture, or were they picked because they had a phone out and they were just innocent stooges, or similarly was it a general hatchet job on Washday in general? Either way now the police have got them I would think it would be a relatively simple matter if it was the lads identified or third party involvement
https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/24216230/cops-arrest-two-bradley-lowery-football/ Suspicion of outraging public decency.
You can't be retrospectively arrested for breach of the peace, it has to be during the act or imminently before.