No. Club waiting on decision & repeated the request to SWFC earlier today. Obviously not our club's fault, but they've apologised for the delay.
Don’t know what it’s down to but a simple statement of explanation from SWFC wouldn’t have been difficult would it?
It’s down to massive police presence for the 19,000,000 home fans . They can’t be putting officers out for the few Dingles up the road when there’s such a massive home crowd to deal with . Chief inspector Dee Dah said no other police force in the country has to deal with as many home fans as we do if they did they’d understand our predicament with such a massive crowd . Our crowds are massively massive and it take three days to get them all in the stadium , it’s a massive task and a massive challenge .
Sorry not being pedantic here, but your post would’ve been more in keeping if you had used upper case and bold for the word MASSIVE