Well done Nissan

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by NeilMol, May 28, 2020.

  1. pompey_red

    pompey_red Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    WTO? default trade terms where no trade agreement exist?
  2. dek

    dekparker Well-Known Member

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    like i say,only time will tell what we end up with
  3. Mid

    Mido Well-Known Member

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    This is exactly why a no deal would be disastrous for so many industries in the UK.
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  4. pompey_red

    pompey_red Well-Known Member

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    agreed, its staggering the mass indifference and ambivalence towards us hurtling towards it
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  5. Don

    Donny-Red Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
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    Well you’re absolutely correct; we won’t know till the fat lady sings.

    But let’s keep in mind that Boris was perfectly happy to illegally prorogue parliament last year to enable us to crash out with no deal - we were weeks away, and saved only by the courts.

    I’m a born optimist; but once bitten... it’s clear that the no-deal brexiteers have the upper hand in the Tory party now and it’s difficult to imagine how that might change.
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  6. Sco

    Scoff Well-Known Member

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    WTO Rates (or No Deal, or Australia Deal) are 10% on cars exported from the UK to any country or bloc without a trade deal - which makes Nissan unsustainable in the UK

    WTO Rates are 10% on cars imported into the UK - which will make your next car more expensive if made in the EU or any other country/bloc without a trade deal.

    I can't immediately find the tariff rates on car parts and components for assembly, but the current supply chain where parts cross the border multiple times during assembly will be unsustainable. This will include all parts from the metal ore upwards to the completed vehicle - so different tariffs will apply to each component at each different stage of production. But cars will be more expensive to build in the UK, and more expensive to repair.

    We currently have just over 6 months to agree a trade deal, ratify it, notify the WTO and sort out any provisions required for it - during the middle of probably the worst pandemic in Europe for 100 years - and the government are refusing to extend negotiations despite around 75% of the country thinking its a good idea.
    Redhelen likes this.
  7. Redstone

    Redstone Well-Known Member

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    BBC News - Coronavirus: Lookers and Aston Martin cut 2,000 car jobs
  8. Exi

    Exile Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Interesting Article:-

    The Lethal Combination of Brexit and Covid

    The combination of Covid-19 and Brexit is a double whammy. The first was a haymaker that hit Britain from nowhere. The follow up will come when Britain, quite deliberately and with malice aforethought, winds up its fist and punches itself in the face. The economic impact of the virus will be accentuated by the UK leaving the EU without a deal or with a meagre free-trade agreement, warns a grim report, sponsored by the Best for Britain think tank.

    Business leaders do not generally get much sympathy. Watch any thriller made in the last two decades and as soon as the corporate executive appears on screen you can guess with a fair degree of certainty that the hero will unmask him as the villain in the final reel. They deserve our sympathy now. Even with a free-trade agreement, the report’s authors conclude that Britain will lose £40 billion a year. (The costs of no deal are £60 billion.) Employers, already having to cope with social distancing and a collapse in demand, will see their terms of trade with our largest trading partner rewritten on 31 December.

    Regions and industries that might have managed Brexit will be hit by the combination of the two, the report’s authors, Kathryn Petrie and Amy Norman from the Social Market Foundation, conclude. London looked as if it could have managed leaving the single market at the end of the year without too much pain. London would be fine as it always is, the cynical assumed. Now it is likely to face one of the biggest coronavirus-induced shocks. The majority of its profitable businesses – banking and financial services – could be in trouble if the property market stalls. The commercial property market, for instance, which rarely featured in predictions of the coming economic damage before Covid-19, is likely to be battered if companies decide that offices in city centres are dangerous as well as expensive and encourage employees to work from home.

    As always, however, the North will suffer the most. Already, analyses of different Brexit outcomes say the North West and North East will bear the greatest losses. Northern manufacturing might have bounced back from Covid-19, as large plants can be adapted for social distancing. It will find it far harder to bounce back from Covid-19 and Brexit. The irony – if that is the right word – of small-town voters in red wall seats voting for their own suffering is not too hard to explain: Labour under Jeremy Corbyn lacked the ability and the political will to warn of the dangers. Meanwhile, a large portion of the Brexit/Tory vote consisted of pensioners, who no longer needed to worry about unemployment.

    Nevertheless, the suffering will be real and the authors ask what the Government will do about it. The only sensible answer is: who knows with this Government? But with the national debt growing exponentially it’s hard to see the Treasury rushing out more emergency support for business. The authors put it like this: ‘With public debt spiralling, the Government is boxing itself into a fiscal corner unless it extends the transition period and secures a trade deal at the end of the ongoing negotiations.’

    Objectively, the recommendation makes sense. If Boris Johnson were to appear at a press conference and announce that he was asking the EU for an extension to the trade talks because of the pandemic, the majority of the public would understand. The country, people would reason, had enough to cope with already without adding to its troubles.

    But in a politics captured by extremists what the majority of the public wants may not matter. I have not heard one prominent supporter of Brexit argue for Britain to take its time. They do not and I suspect dare not because Brexit had morphed into something the electorate was never told would be possible in 2016. It has become a radical creed, where any concession is a kind of heresy. When this government has compromised, it has covered up its concessions and pretended they were victories for British resolve.

    When Boris Johnson partitioned the United Kingdom by allowing a border in the Irish Sea, he agreed to what Theresa May said no British Prime Minister could ever agree to. As the deceived Ulster unionists have learned, few in the rest of Britain care overmuch about them. But prolonging the talks means prolonging a state of British vassalage Brexiters care about very much: membership of the single market and customs union, and contributions to the EU budget. Any decent deal that would protect the economy would mean carrying on handing over money and accepting EU regulations we have no say in making.

    At no point has Boris Johnson or his lieutenants prepared his supporters for the costs of compromise. Johnson can be made the butt of the old joke told about the 19th century French politician Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin. He was sitting in a café when he saw a Parisian crowd charging towards the barricades. ‘There go the people,’ he cried. ‘I must follow them, for I am their leader.’ Because Johnson, Raab and Gove have ridden the nationalist wave of the hardcore Brexiters, because they have never told them hard truths or explained the need for compromise, they are wide open to accusations of betrayal.

    As French revolutionaries at the barricades learned, revolutions have their own logic. The leaders can always be accused of selling out, by men who promise to provide a purer revolutionary clique, until they are accused of betrayal in turn. The Brexit revolution or counter-revolution, if we are being precise, is following a similar course. The Tory right, and Nigel Farage, can still turn on Johnson if he follows the national interest. As with David Cameron and Theresa May, I suspect that Johnson is more concerned with appeasing them than with securing the economic futures of the Britons in whose interests he is meant to govern.

    A few weeks ago, Johnson would have had the authority to stand firm. (Not that he gave any indication of wanting to stand firm, mind you.) After the Cummings scandal, his popularity has gone. My guess, and I hope I’m wrong, is that he is too weak and dependent on his core support to do anything other than allow Britain to fall into a terrible Brexit deal, or no deal at all.

    Brace yourself and learn to take your punishment like a man. Another punch is heading straight toward your unprotected face.

    (No, not from any left-leaning organisation, but the Spectator).
  9. sadbrewer

    sadbrewer Well-Known Member

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  10. upt

    upthecolliers Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
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    Was just going to answer your question but it looks like others have already done so, I'll just say this Nissan will not be the only firm pulling out of the country if a no-deal Brexit comes to pass, the ERG hard-hitting Brexit MP's always wanted a no-deal or as Johnson called it oven-ready and if that's what the electorate voted for then all well and good.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
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