I said France all during the build up to the tournament then fancied the Argies with the injuries the French had then went back to the French with how the Argies looked in the group stage. However the Argies were very good Tuesday & I’m almost 50-50 now. I’ll go France to win but I want Messi to win it.
Just didn't like the reaction after they had won. That said if Argentina do win it will send the Ronaldo fan boys into meltdown so it's got its upside.
Google what the Dutch players were doing to every Argentinian penalty taker whilst walking up to the spot and then tell me what reaction they should have had
Vamos, vamos Argentina Argentina and Argentine culture has a special place in my heart. I've been listening to Carlos Gardel all morning so it's Argentina, by a head
France an a Hatrick Giroud, we lost to the best team in the World. And what do i know about football.