Agree with you 100%. But the defeat on this is total and we have to suck it up and hope for the best. Let's pray for a return to more enlightened times.
This. There are a lot of older people simply pulling up the ladder after themselves. Yesterday tekkytyke referred to the current generation as the "everything for free" generation without any irony despite his generation benefitting from free university, much more affordable housing and it being possible to raise a family on one income.
University education with housing benefit and unemployment benefit during the summer months. And far greater employment opportunities, lower pension ages, pensions that are multiple times higher than anything possible now at a fraction of the initial outlay. Houses that were, allowing for inflation, less than the debt of a university education now.
Must admit I had it far better than the next generation - If I was just going to Uni now like my Nephews are I would be quite worried for the future. Leave Uni with a massive debt ( I left penniless but debt free) no hope of affording a house until if they are lucky some elderly relatives leave them significant sums / houses as an inheritance, ( My first house in the expensive South East was affordable on a 2x joint salary with room to spare - would have been a struggle on one but possible) And now they will find it much harder to work in Europe than its been for my generation Even the music was better in the 70's than it is now I am glad I was born when I was to be honest - there are some benefits to being born more recently but not enough - I could live without an iphone - and internet but they are nice to haves
His track record in the first two bits of that CV should have been enough to rule him out of ever holding office anywhere again. Completely ill-equipped, underprepared and unfit for the roles. Who knew??!