Guilty as Charged. I’m one of the ones who stayed away, lost interest, won’t renew after DS left and we replaced him internally with folk who weren't up to it. I suppose we’ve been spoilt having had local owners with a passion for our town and our club, now we’re a rich man’s punt. My absence is currently enforced but my enthusiasm hasn't returned, if all we’re to be is a means of turning over players for profit whilst the owners sit in their counting houses then we’re never going to get anywhere if we’re constantly moving on our best and bringing others in to develop. It’s not something I’ll be supporting next season with a ST whatever the outcome of this season.
They haven't sold anyone to make profit ,they've sold players who wanted to leave and the money has been used to reinvest in the squad and to make us self sufficient.As for D.S did you want the board to keep him after what he did to the people who pay him and the fans who worshipped him?
Yep, some great results and the manager looks like he may be a good un. The first thing I'll be looking for is for the board to not weaken the squad. Then, the second thing will be if they try and strengthen it. In other words, in the short term initially they don't just see an opportunity for a quick buck. You may well disagree with me and think I'm not being realistic etc ( as some have suggested). Fair enough if you do. As I said, I'll wait and see. I'll also be taking note in the summer....Just my view
I can't see any other way the board could have dealt with the Stendel situation.They explained about the "crass" statement being for legal reasons and in fairness when it was public knowledge about his betrayal they could have given out a more damning statement.
I love how people judge the Stendel situation as if they know for certain exactly what happened. I don't believe anyone on here knows the entire truth, and even if they did, legal reasons and loyalty would prevent them posting it. I think that there's more to come out yet. But anyway, we've got a more than adequate replacement and the lads are improving all the time. It's a pleasure to go to matches again, a real pleasure, and we're a match for any team in the division. I think we'll stay up now.
I'm glad you're still enjoying the football this team really is improving and developing every game.I think by Daniel not denying the boards statement it comes across as been guilty as charged.From what I hear the board could have been a lot more damning of Daniel and some of his behaviour.
The football is spot on, I agree, and even some of the daft mistakes are beginning to slowly diminish. As far as Daniel is concerned, we'll probably never know the full story.
Not sure how many more times this needs saying, but here goes. They were under contract. The club decided to cash in. They couldn't walk away. The club decided to sell. Ad infinitum.
If you'd excluded Adam Davies, who actually was a free agent, you'd have got a like! But the rest were under contract, as you say, and couldn't leave voluntarily. We decided to sell them.
Thank god for someone with some commen sense.As for all you refusing to attend oakwell wasnt this board in charge last season when we were promoted.This board who made 12 new signings this year.This board who appointed stendel who you worshipped.This board who has just appointed struber.OK we have had a rocky 1st half of season but if we do manage to stop up it will be with this board.Yesterday there were 17000 at oakwell and we very unlucky not to have beaten the league leaders with the best away record,so have your opinions by all means but start living in the real world and accept who we are.And if i here that we let all our defence go in the summer again il go crackers.THEY WANTED TO GO.
Contracts dont mean anything these days, players refuse to play or demand to get sold, like Vaz Te and Mcindoe. Hows that? Unfortunately the player now holds the upper hand.
Take it from that. You won't be posting anymore. What would be the point. All clubs in a situation of how Daniel left put someone in charge temporarily till a permanent coach/ manager is put in charge. Some do the dastardly thing and have the replacement in place afore sacking the previous incumbent. Pretty sure that would have p1ssed thi off even more. Lots of clubs turn over players to keep afloat or to Ballance the books. The only way these guys will ever see a profit is if we reach the premier league.