Hope she recovers quickly. Obviously not trying to make light of it, but with a bit of luck hopefully the vaccine should at least help her body power through it a bit more easily and she'll be home soon
Best wishes. It’s a horrible thing mate just take care of you and yours all our thoughts are with you.
Sincere best wishes. I lost my brother to it last October. He was 54. Your sister has age on her side and I wish her and your family all the very best.
Hi mate, thinking of you and your family. Hope your sister makes a speedy recovery. My 80 year old Mum has just fought it off, so there's always hope.
Hope she recovers well mate. The vaccine had a few days to start working so her immune system should be stronger than if she'd not had it. Keep us posted.
hope she gets well soon pal,me and r lass both got it at the mo ,been in islolation since last sunday,,
Update on my sister . Still in hospital but been looked after brilliantly by our fantastic NHS. Spoke to her today and she did sound a little better . Just requiring oxygen boosts currently but hopefully things will improve in next few days. Just like to say really appreciate all the messages it means a lot and just another reason why this forum is more than just a football forum . Thanks again