They will make the appeal on the grounds that the verdict was totally unjustified but I reckon their main objective is to get the points deduction reduced to say 9 or10, which could make the difference between surviving in the Championship or not come the end of next season
How do these things get so twisted..Wigan broke the EFL rules that they are governed by as plain as day but still allowed to appeal..Wendys same as bt penalty pushed on a season...why..found guilty at end of last season .deduct points down ya go....simples
If I recall correctly the justification for SW was the penalty should be allowed to play out on the pitch. In other words if we apply now it will relegate, but if do it next year sport will decide if they stay up. Bonkers
i think a lot of teams just appeal as they have nothing to lose ( is the cost a tax write off ?) what should happen is if you lose then 1/2 of the original pts deduction should be added ie. 12pts deduction increased to 18 pts it would make owners think about frivolous appeals
Crazy. The EFL even wrote to them a few weeks ago asking for clarification of their ownership structure. Later followed by 3 potential owners failing the fit and proper test. It must exist somewhere until it officially changes hands. The music hasn't fully stopped yet and the parcel not opened.
So Charlton are asking the EFL to appeal the decision as to why it wasn't applied in the 19/20 season. And Wednesday are appealing the points deduction. Can't right this stuff, incredible.