Neither have produced anything decent for decades but if you listen to 'i will Follow' U2's first ever track, you get an idea of how fresh and vibrant they were. Seen them 3 times: Leadmill, Manchester Apollo then Elland Rd. All before 1986. There were only 15 of us in the Leadmill and we asked Bono if he's mind 'keeping it down a bit' as we were trying to talk. Adam Clayton told us to f$$k off! Well, we weren't to know.
Yes and nooooooooo. I'm with you on Big Country but The Alarm. Aaarrggghh. 68 Guns is up there with some of the worst tunes ever committed to vinyl. 'Summer of 69' by Bryan Adams and ANYTHING by Queen.
Saw Big country support Bowie at Wembley, been a fan ever since. Saw the Pogues support U2. At Wembley. If I’d have got closer to the stage I think I would have thrown p155 at em like most of the others. I was Young once believe it or not. Best support acts seen for me although stars in their own right. Pretenders. Big country and Thunder. Last 2 never heard on em prior to seeing em.
U2 were one of my favourite bands, probably up to about Zooropa. Then went absolutely $hite. And Bonio is a complete nobber.
Quite different really, Simple Minds were influenced by British Prog Rock bands like King Crimson whereas U2 are Irish and thus heavily influenced by potcheen.
Once saw Showaddywaddy at Wakefield theatre club But can claim seeing Simple Minds Sheffield arena, Springsteen was class, seen Guns n Roses , Alarm, Bowie and dare I mention Adam and the Ants... I’ll get my coat
Seen Brotherhood of man. Bowie. Nolans. Genesis. U2. Tommy Steel. Journey. Corrs. Elbow. Jane Macdonald. Foreigner. Styx. Whitesnake. Etc etc favourite artiste Candi lauper 4 times. Enjoyed em all. Can’t say as much for UB 40. Pogues. Gloria Estefan. If you enjoy watching em mate Adam and the ants. Don’t be embarrassed I used to get stick when I was a young un by saying I was a massive carpenters fan. Got out of jail when I told em my mate was a Bay city roller fan. First band I saw Wizard. Barnsley civic. Got sent back home from school after 6 weeks holidays to get my backcombed Roy wood. Hair cut. Just to see my baby jive. First record I bought.
U2's first release was an EP in 79, followed by 3 singles before I Will Follow came out. However I do not wish to be considered an authority on them, purely a disseminator of long-forgotten uninteresting facts.
Was into both bands in the very early days. Saw U2 at the Limit Club on West Street about 81/82. I liked their first Martin Hannett produced single "11 O'Clock Tick Tock" & their first LP. I liked New Gold Dream too by Simple Minds. Both largely became too bombastic for my taste, although a few things U2 did with Eno / Lanois were pretty decent.