It's a bit of a mess until the lease is sorted that's for sure. But I think we all seem to be forgetting that a couple of the board members own 50% of the stadium along with the council don't they? Surely the Crynes can get involved here, or is that a conflict of interest?
Frightened to death to spend anything more than they have to it's only 130 years old just get it done you've had your money's worth out of it
Because of its age no developer will touch the West Stand until clearance is obtained from English Heritage. EH may say flatten it or they may find features which have to be preserved. Leasehold/Freehold/Rented/Multiple owners - irrelevant.
I have a commercial lease an am only responsible for neglect. All repairs/maintenance are covered by the Landlord. Not saying most of all are like this as I wouldn’t know but mine is.
Most commercial leases are FRI types whereby the tenant is responsible for Full Repairing and Insuring. Domestic agreements put the onus on the Landlord for insurance and repair. There are obviously exceptions but these criteria usually apply.