Agreed. Some years ago we got burgled at work because one of the cleaners gave the scum the alarm code and her key. Our insurers turned down the claim because there was no sign of forced entry. The cleaner was (ahem) taken to the cleaners by the police, we sued her firm and got our money back that way. And the premium still went up because we'd had an "incident" even though there was no claim. Needless to say we didn't renew. I've not had contents insurance at home for about 12 years now - I've decided it's cheaper to self-insure, and far more satisfying. So in fact there IS something you can do about it.
Just had CSI person here, he's found prints on window which he says probably how they got in.Waiting on police nar
That's good news. The back door being open was probably their exit route not their entry point and that means Mr insurance company can't be an arse about it.
Just phoned 101 and they say they have to run the finger prints first before police can come out, he did say they'll phone me to arrange a time so at least I don't have to wait
Think this is the only thread i've started where i've got 2 pages and i've been on here more then 10 years
Wife used to work for Royal & Sun Alliance. Used to get loads of people who calling about being burgled and admitting leaving a door or window open. Says she felt like saying nooo don't say that lol It really is ***** that someone can put a ladder up at your house to get in through a window left slightly open, burgle all your contents and Insurance say it your fault.