What’s this off field incident?

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by e-red, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. Austiniho

    Austiniho Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2018
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    I agree that if we’ve been asked to stop singing the song by the club, then we should stop; Or change the words to suit. I think it is a crass lyric for a chant anyway. But I do think that it is not racial abuse and in this case the media, in particular “kick it out” are wrong to report it that way.
  2. nezbfc

    nezbfc Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    The problem I see, is that whilst the club has asked people to stop singing certain songs, it was not exactly clear (if I recall, and I maybe wrong) which song they were referring to.

    Equally, a lot of people don't actually realise that this can be classed as racist.

    Now if the club actually said, "can people stop singing songs about certain people having massive cocks as it is actually racist", then some of them may at least stand half a chance.

    One thing is for certain, any discussion on anything to do with race is guaranteed to have a 100-page thread. Much of it repeated.

    I do not recall, anyone actually standing up and saying to all these people who were singing it to, well, stop. Not near me anyway.

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