I feel like I said this about Brexit till I was blue in the face... Neither Brexit nor Covid management are Left/Right issues. Whilst there’s a little political capital to be gained from pointing out when BoJo is lying (which Starmer does plenty of) or pointing out incompetence (which he’s also done), there’s no political capital to be gained from opposing the way the government is running the pandemic. And it’s far too early to point to the fallout of Brexit. He’s got years yet before there’s something to play for, this is not the time to be making his closing argument.
Not quite. Are you? Was that the first in a set of random questions? Can I ask if you still think that Dike should have taken the pen?
Well the only 2 people I remember having discussions with that led to their disappearance are one who threatened to break my skull one who called another member a rapist. I think I’m aware of a couple of others who were extremely racist. So IMHO the only way to get banned from here is to be utterly vile (not the same thing as having strong opinions or disagreeing with others).
Well admin posted a little while ago that whilst posts are deleted on here so that you and I can no longer see them, they still remain on record somewhere for posterity. I've never had a message from admin (apart from Fired in response to an email to her). I'm not complaining. But I was never vile.
I got a short ban for posting a truth that wasn't liked by one of the admin team despite the fact that I have extensive personal experience that proves I was correct
I'll name 2 things that Brexit has done for us. And there's plenty more, 1, Brexit has made the country poorer. 2, Brexit has handed us an idiot of a Prime Minister.
For ever? No explanation. No reason supplied? Just "You are banned". I wasn't allowed to resume. I got banned under a nickname I'm here under another nickname Neither of these names are the real me - I'm just pretending. So a pretend me got banned. So my first nickname got suspended for ever. How does that fit your emoji?
The hard Brexit as "negotiated" by this government IS an issue which the Left could take on this government with. They have sold us all down the swanny with their insane right-wing nationalistic ideology. It needs to be called out.
Not even slightly. Nope. Yes. Feel free to ask me again if we miss the playoffs by 2 goal difference (and I'm being generous here as there's no guarantee that the same thing wouldn't have happened if Mowatt had taken it anyway).
Helik is our most potent finisher if Dike and Mowatt can't do the job. All Dike has to do though is hit it as hard as he can. Both he and Mowatt showed that our Polish Pen taker is better for the job (after Woodrow of course). Still sober btw.
If calling it out for the sake of political ideology (which we both agree it is) means that Labour irretrievably lose any chance of future electoral success then it becomes a very naïve political move. Doing the 'right' thing isn't always the right thing to do.
I apologise - I assumed you meant suspended: Because the forum rules clearly state that banned members aren't allowed to rejoin. I would have imagined that a previously banned member wouldn't advertise themselves as such.