A usual with the human race, everything has to be viewed as black or white(no pun intended), instead of the shades of grey that is the reality. Of course Islamic* terrorism carried out by extremists is based on religion. It's just that those carrying it out take the word of their holy book to extremes(hence the name), while the vast, vast, vast majority of those who worship the Islamic* faith worship it in peaceful ways and to varying degrees. It's the same with those with bigoted views. Some only see the violent side of the religion, while most can see the majority of Muslims* are just normal people. *substitute the religion as required, as all have followers with extremist beliefs.
Islam is not a race, it is a choice. Trouble is the penalty for leaving the faith is death. Some choice. If the only reason that you call yourself a Muslim is that you have to then there’s no offence to be had really. But if you’re a closet atheist then maybe the same applies. I’m not sure that political correctness is all that it’s cracked up to be. It’s how we treat people that counts. However porkdodger is probably a term intended to offend. I wouldn’t use those type of words personally.
What do you mean "novels"? I thought they were biographies !!! (Based as much in reality as the other books mentioned )
Its all about how the various branches of islam follow the quran and the hadiths the Sharia Some follow it in a more liberal sense than others. Others more literal. IS and the Caliphate is the more serious literal interpretation of the same along with their brethern who follow a similar religous philosphy, wahhabism and its off shoots. Yes a small number of Imans have said the terror attacks untaken by Islamic fundamentalists have nothing to do with Islam. However, many many more dont make any public condemnation of the same. Theres still far too many Imans allow/turn a blind eye to hate preachers access to their mosques to spread their ideology. Although mainstream media and i include all of it not just the centre right press can be suggestive of at times inflaming tensions none seem to mention whom the biggest persecutor of Muslims is. Its other Muslims. . . It doesnt help that Islam is slow drifting towards the more stricter interpretation of its values.
People cause wars, they then find the most convenient excuse. Abolish religion and we'd be left with pretty much the same but in a different name. Not that I have any truck with religion, fairy stories and control for the most part, but if it didn't exist we'd still slaughter at just the same rate. I've tuned out, it's not my world, I didn't vote for it, I refuse to watch it tear itself apart or play any active role in that. Drugs and alcohol are the only answer.