Maybe Collins thinks that's what we got, because Khaledo told him we did. As some others have said though, I reckon it could be that amount eventually, with add ons.
Collins states Mads as being a £4m defender, it doesn’t mean the club received that. Timing of payments has no bearing on FFP.
It's amazing how some of our fans lap it up when Darragh Macanthony says they've sold a player for 10 billion quid yet refuse to believe we get a decent fee for our players when it leaks out and prefer to push the good old ten bob and a blackies egg line.
Out of interest (sorry, I have no clue about any of it), if Darragh says he got 10 mill for Toney for example, but it was 2 million every year for 5 years. Would his accounts show the full 10 million as it's guaranteed(i.e not based on apperances, goals etc) or would it only show after the money has been fully paid?
the accounts would show a transfer profit equal to the total amount agreed and the debtors would show any out standing payments. Toney went for just over £5m.
He did. But what nobody seems to offer as balance is the following. The board occasionally cry poverty, such as in this case where they'll tell us that we receive money in dribs and drabs.....fair enough. Well the opposite must be true when we buy players then. We keep saying that "Barnsley wont pay £1 Million for a player, we don't have the money etc etc....but it wouldn't be a million, not as a lump sum anyway. Pure hypothecism (is that a word?) But lets say that Nombe is 1.2 Million, 400k upfront then then say 4 installments of 200k every quarter until it's paid. Mads was 4 Million (we assume), so say 1.5 Million upfront, then the remainder paid quarterly in equal installments until it's paid off. I know we owe other stuff out, but we've also made money from other avenues too. I'm no financial expert, but surely to God we could afford to a Nombe-esque signing or two and not go bust...other clubs seem to be able to manage it on similar budgets without the doom and gloom rhetoric we get from Neerav et al.
If we got 4 million quid for Mads then I think Khaled deserves a real pay on the back. He’s a brilliant league 1 defender, and an average lower end championship one. No way has he ever been worth 4 million.