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There would have to be a vegetable shop with all the home grown cabbages for sale at bargain prices !!
I get the joke. I dont wish this on any football club at all. I've met plenty of Wednesday fans from Sheffield and they are brilliant people. The ones from barnsley are the ones who think they are too dogs because they support a so called bigger team
I work with plenty of wendies. Good friends n'all. They take this type of humour in the way they give it. No real malice. they expect it. They also know the serious position they are in, at the mo, all of em. The hatred of chansiri is nearly unanimous. The people that take it to heart. Are the ones with a problem. My wendy mates laugh as much at a lot of stuff written on owlstalk. as i do. (Especially the deluded. Even the massive tag. lots hate that and admonish those who think it. ) And live in the real world.