Slightly different situation but US has a history of poorly trained armed people in official roles . The National Guard being just one example.... One of the turning point of the US anti Vietnam demos was the incident described in link below . (Neil Young even wrote a famous song about it)
Mississippi Mayor’s comments: If you are talking about the incident in MN, I didn’t see anything unreasonable. If you can say you can’t breathe, you’re breathing. Most likely that man died of overdose or heart attack. What a fücking cünt.
"Racism is still a major part of America's psyche." A few lines later.... "Its nothing to do with race."
It's the American logic. The victim was clearly lying, but if only he'd said excuse me sir, the pressure you are exerting on my windpipe is causing me to find breathing difficult, all would have been well.
Sorry if you misunderstood the point I was trying to make. In a nutshell - Keep a sector (race) of society in deprivation and persecute them for long enough and of course the crime rate among that group increases, then you can claim it is a pre-disposition of that race to be criminally minded (Racism) when the characteristics of that group (race) has, in reality, absolutely nothing to do with it. Surely that misconception is the very definition of ' racism' . I was (am) making a distinction between race (genetic makeup of a group) as opposed to racism (misconception that the superiority /inferiority of a group depend on their genetic makeup) If you watch Django unchained you would get the point I am trying to make when Leonardo Di Caprio's character uses pseudo-science to 'explain' why slaves' brains are 'structured' to be subservient , not revolt and not rebel against enslavement. A perfect demonstration of absolute racism. In reality they were utterly powerless to resist. He uses that nonsense to justify his power and control over them. The Nazis considered Slavic people to be inferior using the same sort of pseudo-science and enslaved millions based on racist ideology, ignoring the true facts that no one 'race' is genetically superior. Religion, environment and cultural attitudes is what shapes society and individuals.
Well it's all kicking off and no surprise. CNN reporter arrested, Minneapolis Police station set on fire, protests spreading, national guard deployed and Trump using an old quote from 1967 "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" (subsequently hidden by Twitter on glorification of violence lines). If this wasnt in America, and we could strip away the ******** ideals and liberties we associate with the country through years of propaganda, all that's left is a two-state oligarch funded ruling elite who run a divided country that's divided by wealth and skin colour.
Unbelievable Jeff!! You could not make this up!! How thick and untrained are the State Police?.... Classic at the end when they lie as to reason for the arrests presumably unaware as to what 'live on air' means. The lawyers for CNN will have a 'field day' ' Shithole of a country!!
Don't know where to begin. If Trump isn't overwhelmingly beaten in November there are going to be serious problems in America. If he's narrowly beaten he's going to incite violence.
The Trump voters will be lapping this up, they wil see it as another example of blacks being criminals who should be kept down.
yep the cammo wearing pretendy militia will be oiling up their long guns and having apocalyptic wet dreams as we speak.