Went to that cost in, a long time ago, probably before you were born. I didn't intend to go there. I didn't know it existed. We hitch hiked from Barnsley and that's where we ended up. It was stunning.
I'm 41, so unlikely unless you hitchhiked as a young child i think youve said youre about 50 before, apologies if wrong. I came here in the early 90s and loved it.
I was 18 when I made that trip. France (Not Paris, they're all wn@kers in Paris) made a huge impression on me. I've been back since and I will go back again. I like Paris, just not Parisians. For good reason, my travelling companion on that journey, who later became my wife, still gets in hysterics about how I was treated in Paris. But the fact that you're in Lacanau brings back such warm memories.
It's definitely a lot more vibrant than it was 20 years ago, it is a nice place. Like a mini Bondi but without the crappy elements of Bondi.