It's an odd question. And to me at least, feels like it's trying to be purposefully divisive. Irrespective of where we finish, we've no choice but to accept it. If we finish bottom on 3 points with a -100 gd, that's what we'll have to accept. If we go unbeaten and have a team of invincibles, winning the title in a canter, we have to accept that too. Now if the question is one of where we think we'll finish.... well, I've no idea. Though I suspect it will be somewhere between the two extremes I've mentioned above.
A sniff of the playoffs would be amazing, but I'd be happy with a mid-table season of Duff settling in and getting the lads to enjoy their football again.
Its not meant to be divisive honestly, last season was an awful toxic season that i dont want to go through again, i believe that if results had been better then it wouldnt have been like that so im asking to prevent that happening again where would we accept finishing next season to prevent us turning on the coach and board again. Any answer is acceptable i just want to get a feel the the consensus of opinion. Conway was still Conway when Val was in charge but got away with it as results were good. Nareev Khaled and the Crynes were also here when the results were terrible last season. If its nothing to do with results and we will back our team now Conways gone, thats what the poll is telling us that midway top ten would be acceptable for the majority of our fans next season.