I do the school run most days, not once seen a parent with a can of alcohol in their hand. You are generalising something that may have been seen a few times, congratulations.
Depends on the area you do the school run in, but let's face it if you only see somebody taking their kid to school drinking a can of lager before 09:00 once it's once too often. Look the issue is there are people happy to sit on benefits for life and drag their kids up let them run riot while they sit and drink and smoke and worse all day you've only to walk round the town center to see em. It's no good us on the left of political thinking trying to pretend they don't exist they do. Look I was brought up on a council estate I know what life's like it can be tough, but for every family that are like I've described there are at least 10 that work hard bring their kids up the right way and improve their lot in life but that doesn't mean we should pretend the others don't exist because they do.
I’ve lived in a few places around England Plymouth Weymouth Portland near Weymouth and Portsmouth to name a few all work related and this a probably unpopular view on here but I find Barnsley quite hard to beat everything taken into consideration
I think because of the internet even though kids don't show it amongst their peers at school they're more intelligent than ever and can wag it a lot more.
I’m not particularly embarrassed to say I’m from Barnsley (but I’m also not particularly proud of it in recent times) but I’ll often use “near Sheffield”, especially when talking to people outside the UK. It’s just easier to use a place that they’ve probably heard of.
I know this goes against the subject matter of the thread, but I'm proud of coming from Barnsley. I love the place, the accent, the surrounding countryside, it's history, it's willingness to improve the look of it's town, it's football club, the people. The education has helped educate myself & our two children to be able to attend university. I love the place and wouldn't want to come from anywhere else.