He basically man marked Ryan woods second half. And prevented Brentford from being as dangerous as it seemed they were in the first half. As it turned out, Lindsay in particular, but the defence a a whole, did their jobs today. Hammill, actually with the ball, was once again a shadow of his former self. He has no pace, there is no threat from his shooting, and his crosses are not as good as someone such as Mahoney. In fact Mahoney did on the wing what Hammill once used to. Hammill got motm today for what he did without the ball.
I think it’s a 2 fold issue. If we stay up, we can afford him, but he’d have to accept a bit-part role, and therefore less wages. If we go down, we’ll need him, but could we afford him? He struggles in the Champ - although he played well today. League 1, he’d be an asset. That’s why I think they are waiting until end of season. I’d like him to stay, but in the Champ, it has to be on reduced terms.
Thought he was outstanding today. Great work with McBurnie in the second half, what a pairing, had the Brentford defence crapping themselves regularly. Brilliant defensive work too making sure we were winning the ball high up the pitch for once. And what an engine. Must top the table for most good chances created but missed. Don't think (hope not anyway) that it was a last goodbye, more a take as much time as I can to get off the pitch and run the clock down move (didn't work!) Only negative I noted was that when Mahoney went off Morais was hugging and kissing him, when Oli went off Morais nearly dry loved him but he barely said a word to Adam.
Players need to realise that when their is a substitution, the ref. stops his watch. It doesn't run down time.
He has a kind of McCourt presence. A Gaelic ability to stand tall with the ball. And then he sprinted down the line with it. Which Paddy would never do. Then he reminded me of John Robertson. Still Gaelic. Sort of. He could carve out a big career. Why did we not make more use of this earlier? Is he English? After all my faux heritage analysis......
My take was he wanted to milk the applause, he realised we'd pretty much sewn up a key 3 points and he'd really contributed. Nothing more, nothing less.
The standing ovation won't do his contract negotiations any harm. I hope he stays, I love having him as part of our club
Shame that we persisted with Isgrove for the games that he was actually available. Apart from the Burton away match he's been a big disappointment this season. I wasn't too fussed about Mahoney when we took him on but you can see what Bournemouth saw in him. Looks a class act and would be a real asset to us with a run of games (if we can get him back next season).
Agree. He was so much more effective than Moncur in almost everything except pointless step overs & looking pretty. He tracked back, he supported both wide men & allowed them to double up on the full back, he supported Moore & he should’ve had an assist when he played Moore in
It looked like a goodbye to me, he bent over and kissed the pitch. This club is in his heart, that is clear. He cares more than most. He might be a scouser but he’s tarn through and through. I’d love to see him stay. Real fan favourite and it reflects his teammates more than him that he hasn’t got a lot of assists this season. He’s got something to offer in either division. Sign him up and give him the armband, get him doing coaching badges in the next few years. With his well publicised mistakes as a younger man to the way he conducts himself now, there’d be few finer to impart advice on the next generation. Sir bobby is a legend and is a role model to role models, Adam could advise the more maverick less strait laced kids about the mistakes he made to help them avoid the same. He needs to be at this club for me.