And apparently the ‘70% more transmissible’ was based on modelling not actual cases. That Neil Ferguson, he’s a scamp. I’m sure ever who’s lost their livelihoods, businesses and family to suicide and mental health issues will laugh it all off though.
Not unless they are shooting them down. They tend to go via airfreight. I'm talking about the vast nets dumped in the East coast processing yards to be shipped over to France et al. Given you can get from Barnsley to Chaminox in around 20 hours getting to Paris and the northern markets is a piece of piss.
I presume I'm not going to but as the OP was about food shortages, knowing that food is going off somewhere isn't a comfort.
It’s weird that France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands and Ireland (and probably others) have all demonstrated control over their borders while members of the EU. Glad we’ve destroyed our country to take control of our borders though. And to get some fish nobody here likes and that we can’t export to the places that do. Rule Britannia.
Something something sovereignty something something take back control something something different opinion than others something something blue passport something.
It's alright, they've anticipated this and are being provided at great expense to the country by the Tory chumocracy.
I'm getting annoyed really easily today. The amount of people I'm seeing on social media saying things along the lines of 'shop at your local greengrocers, mine is always brimming with lovely fresh fruit and veg', specifically in response to stories of there being a potential shortage of those things. It's like they actually don't realise that their greengrocers are importing too and think they have magic lemon, lime and banana trees and special soil that grows crops in the middle of a British winter. I understand the argument of supporting small businesses but their point is specifically that you should avoid supermarkets that won't be able to get stock and go to the greengrocers instead as they'll have loads (also ignoring the fact that if they could somehow stock it still then they'd run out in 2 minutes if everyone started shopping there instead).
It’s absolute lunacy. People have no idea how much we rely on the EU for imports. The amount of people I see say things like “we’re British I back us to come through it” - idiots. They’ve got no idea.
According to the Government there are 174 trucks stuck at Dover, according to the BBC there are 1500; who to believe?