My first ventures into pub were while I was delivering takeaway leaflets in winter 2000. I was in year 11 and wanted extra money. My mates dad did the doors in town centre. First pint was Fosters watching Sunderland v Man Utd in League Cup at the Chequerfield. Then a few days later first piss up in Elephant Pontefract. Mates dad was on door and we didn't even get asked for ID. Think Stones was £ 1.54 a pint Leafleting didn't last much longer though because we got caught ditching them we stupidly thought putting them in a drain was a good idea. It pissed it down and leaflets ran down gutter. Same night we were larking about drunk and mate bent over to deliver a leaflet. I booted his arse into door and he fell into someone's room. As he got up letter box came away on his hand. Daft pillock left the leaflet. We legged it and I didn't think much of it until I got home. My dad was waiting for me. Told me he'd had a phonecall from takeaway and I wouldn't be leafleting anymore. Got a right roasting and my unsupervised under age drinking days were over. After that thankfully my Dad thought if you cant beat em' join em' and took me to Horsevaults every Saturday dinner supping Carlsberg at £2.16 a pint.
Wharf, opposite Worsbrough canal. 42p pint of lager... Harp I think 8p bag of crisps. Remember it well, cos it came to a nice round 50p in total. 1979, slightly underage, though not by much. Mind you, I only looked about 12 The landlord, Dave, seemed happy enough for us to hang out in the tap room most nights, playing pool and supping. Top bloke.
Chennels 11p ? It was 9p in’t club I think. Hard to remember now though. It would have been 66/68. Those who can remember, does that sound right?
1982 Vine Tavern up Pitt Street in town, 4 of us bunked off school for the afternoon, our way of making ourselves look older was to take our school ties off !!!! 66p a pint for bitter, the landlords response when I asked how much for half was "What the hell do they teach at that school of yours?" lol, "33 pence mister" my response, "Well done son"
The Manor House in Ward Green, about 1974. I haven't the foggiest idea how much it cost, though. Funnily enough, it was the venue for our wedding reception and do at night in 1984 and they were brilliant.
Ship Inn at Elsecar at about 1s 9p a pint. Landlord knew we were underage so limited to two pints, if you asked for another you were told politely to go home. Those were the days.
First one was in The Corner Pin on Wellington St, I went with a mate from school to watch the Adventures of Barry McKenzie at the pictures...afterwards we went in the CP...he looked older than me so went to the bar, I lurked in the passageway with the pinball machine. The beer arrived and I remember thinking...f****ng h** does my old man sup this? Later I found it was Whitbread Trophy and my dad wouldn't have touched that pi*s with a barge pole.
Market inn In town, circa 1966 I was 17 cost about 1s6p. If you sat opposite the window you could see the shape of the bobbies helmet ( ooo matron ) as they passed the window so could be first out of the back door onto Gas Nook and escape onto Pontefract Road. They never covered the back door even though they must have known, must have been mates with the landlord. First legal was The Mount 1967, Jack Walshaw was the landlord, mated about with his yongest son for a short while at school, can't remember his first name, could have been David. Good times. Was a regular in the old social club as well.
Can’t remember if that were but it were def Fairway tbh but I’ll have been in it , used to go up there with workmates at Houghton Main that lived up there . Great night out but rough as fek . Used to go in a club opposite gates at Hickleton Main pit think it was Coronation club or Cora as they used to call it .
Probably The Grey Horse and ive no idea on cost, i've never been bothered enough about drinking the stuff to worry about the damage it's doing to my wallet Wish i could say the same about cakes and biscuits!