Immediately after insulting me and calling me a bell cap you think his next post saying basically 'I can see why nobody would want you' was a light-hearted joke?
Had this same discussion on Saturday with the father in law. His words were quite incredible, and I paraphrase. "He's (DePfeffel) has done everything he could, he can't be blamed for anything." Thankfully it turned to cricket swiftly once I was given the evil eye by his daughter!
It needs to open up in order to survive because as you rightly alluded to it hasn't had enough support. Do I personally *want* it to from the point of view of me going out for a drink? Couldn't care less to be honest.
Boris made sure there was no "freedom" day. He didn't protest our borders. He wanted a trip to India to get a trade deal which isn't better than the one we already had. Why are we struggling to reopen? Because he's undermined the scientists, those rolling out the vaccines, the businesses spending money to covid proof. The furlough and tax schemes now would only be supporting the airlines and foreign tourist industry. The party of the hostile environment, windrush and dinghyphobes left the doors and windows wide out. Who knew? By the way, the Freedom Day is a crackers idea. Just quietly unlock, tell folk to take care and enjoy life. Freedom Day will lead to folk falling out drunk, nailed on unrest due to ale and hospital admissions. It's what we do as a nation. Wonder if Boris could sell that to the Indian's?
Its probably most sensible to give it another 3 or 4 weeks. If things don't start proper ramping up again then proceed to the next step. Plus the government never once promised that 21st June would be the day. It was made very clear 21st June would be the EARLIEST possible date we would move to next stage. It's not hard to understand. If folk have been booking stuff, they knew the risks, same with those who immediately dashed off to Portugal. Better 1 month, than another 12 IMO.
I disagree about giving it a other month but completely agree about folk who booked things knowing the risk
They said 15 millions jabs to freedom, just wait until the vulnerable are vaccinated. That has been achieved
Quote: Health minister Edward Argar told Sky News Johnson will address the issue of support for businesses should the June 21 easing be delayed. He also said he knows the prime minister is "very sensitive" to the issue of weddings and couples who have had to delay their special day multiple times. He said: "I know that's one of the things he will be reflecting on very carefully as he makes his decision." I think if clown Johnson allows large wedding gatherings, in alcohol licensed premises, with uncontrolled mixing of large numbers of revellers, but won't allow normal large gatherings in alcohol licensed premises with uncontrolled mixing of large numbers of revellers, then he'd better get ready for some serious backlash and public anger and disobedience.
Do you honestly believe they have any intention of opening up in four weeks? This time next month the BBS will be discussing the next delay. And the next delay after that.
Then they kept borders opened and allowed the Delta variant in. It's the dictionary definition of self harm
Agree with this. We can go to the pub, restaurants or cafes. Although there are sensible restrictions in place. But to open up entirely too soon would be a huge mistake. Failing to close the borders was a huge mistake allowing the Delta varient enter from India was indefensible.
Suppose its what you consider as vulnerable I guess. We just need to see what real impact this variant is having in terms of hoslitalisations in the next few weeks when it is fairly widespread. If it means that our children start having to go into hospital, it's a no brainer to have waited.
Maybe that's what he wants? He can then blame the nation, he's always looking for a scapegoat. It's what sociopaths do, and most certainly what privileged sociopaths do.
There’s no way I’d be arranging a wedding right now (unless one of the wedding party or close family is terminally ill or something) but if you’re in favour of everything opening up why not be on their side to let them have fewer restrictions? Dragging everyone down to the lowest common denominator doesn’t help the ones who are still restricted. I’d have expected you to agree that wedding restrictions should be relaxed and continue to push for others to be too.
So, what you are really saying is "The government needs to better support the industries financially affected by its decisions". If you had just said this, practically everyone would have agreed with you. I've been saying the same myself for well over a year now.
Agree. As soon as this became news, no a single passenger flight should have been allowed out of those impacted regions into the UK, not a few days later. I think the government have done a decent job with the vaccine rollout but just don't get the delay strategy even 3 or 4 days.
I would but I honestly believe that wedding restrictions are being relaxed at the expense of hospitality. We have been told numerous times that there is only so much can be opened up at once (remember them saying schools were most important regardless of transmission and hospitality must close in order to open schools?) And I believe they've decided they can only allow a certain amount of relaxations so have shoved hospitality further down the queue to make way for people who took a bad gamble