I get that, but I think with the model we operate under, we're always going to favour signing someone under 26, even as a keeper, just for the potential resale value. I get it's frustrating, but if players are constantly going to move on, we might as well benefit from it. Say Killip is first choice, and he does well, in 2 years time he'll still be young enough to command a decent fee. A 32 year old is less likely to do that. I understand that we don't have to go down tbe route of developing and selling on (like in the case of Norwood), but for a club our size, it's the only way we're ever going to be competitive at Championship level without heavy investment. Sammy Radlinger is the last keeper I recall us signing on a short term deal, so I'd be surprised if we did go down that route.
Like I say, I’ll be really cheesed off if we don’t. But also very surprised. Plenty to go at in the free agent / loan market.