I don’t like it, but I won’t buy it An obvious throw back to the Shaw Carpets design, which was before me - perhaps those of that era feel more nostalgic for a return
There's some proper ******** written in articles about this as well. US Mobile is getting some decent exposure, though. Fans say 'never seen a shirt as bad as this' and demand 'points deduction' as EFL club release bonkers new 'MLS' kit | The Sun
I think the shirt is great but it splits opinion , so what its a blooming shirt , I am more bothered about who is wearing it to be honest & it baffles me how some can get so upset about it .
Love it or Hate it. It may do well in America. If marketed over there. (Eagle with stars n stripes) US mobile. Over here there are several more to choose from if yer dunt like it. I can't see how the club can fail in sales. The company that will market em regardless of their poor rating. Increased sales at villa by 400%. And have had their contract renewed.
We are Barnsley We are Barnsley We are Barnsley From the 'well We've a red shirt With stars on it No-one likes it We don't care
Just been looking at Premier teams shirts on bbc website- boring as hell mostly one colour, well done Barnsley for not following the trend.