This is the exact answer I was going to give. I nearly always reverse park into bays as its a lot easier to get out and cars at the side make it so mich easier to park. Now given how many people ignore the lines completely i do sometimes wonder why I bother.
Think that bloke looks after his car and is sensible doesn't park right near the door i will park next to him lol.
I wish I knew which car was yours, I would purposely park at the side of you, for no other reason than i know it would make your teeth itch ha ha
It doesn't bother me a great deal that they do it. My theory is I'll try to avoid being near someone but can't help what they do. It's actually just that I've never known why that's always frustrated me. I think it's safe to say I'm on the spectrum
Sorry, I just can't help myself. Never found the way to say this but.... I find your car really sexy.
Is this you?