It's not just this board that's done it. It's been going on for years. Fancy coming to watch Barnsley to see if you like it? Great! We'll charge you top whack and sit you right at the very top corner of the East Stand where there's no atmosphere and a crap view or at the very front row of the Ponty where the view is even worse and you can get soaked when it rains. Please come again. So much for trying to extend the fanbase.
With no match day income surely cash has to be put aside not for the here & now but for the whole season , yes we need to add some players but you cannot arrive at a figure what we have received & expect the whole lot to be spent on recruitment , its a balance between investment & meeting the clubs requirements throughout the season , wages ,insurance , rent , running costs , the list is endless , its a balancing act & its not easy .
I agree. But not all of it. And the odd player is probably needed I would think. We've got 10 days to save our season.
Maybe we are influenced by Dane's statement only a couple of weeks ago, after the Brown transfer, where he stated we were ok and monies would be available to re invest in the squad as every transfer out monies would be re invested in the squad etc etc.
I think you’ve all forgot about away fans. Even an average of 2,000 brings in £35 a person - £70,000. Less VAT, that’s £58,333. Category A game at £42 with 4,500 is £189,000 inc vat, £157,500 exc vat...... That away stand is our cash-cow, hence why we went big on it. And then you’ve always an average of 2,000 pay on gate for home fans too. Another £58,333 exc vat. Catering contracts will attract an additional fee per match (contracted out services). And then season tickets were heavily discounted. That’s before you even look at random stuff like carpark income and club shop extras. 400 cars at £5 is £2,000. And casual fans aren’t paying £10 on iFollow - they’re all watching illegal streams for free. Add the additional cost of regular private C-19 testing for squad and staff, and you can see how tricky it’s going to be. Yes, costs associated with the above are also less, but it’s still a significant lump of turnover missing.......
I’m glad he’s gone. Think he lost the dressing room, still think we’ve a capable squad but time will tell,I read this forum a lot And my opinion is most people on here were fed up with tactics/ playing people out of position,we may or not be surprised what happens next
This board is worth over 7bn. Seven thousand million, and were avin to sell players to plug gaps left by a thousand hot dogs sales lost and a few walk ups. Im not having it. This board surely knew that you simply have to spend money in this division just to stand still. If they didnt, then its their own fault. No other team in this division will be relying on money coming in before it goes out, they just wont. And its not asking to be wigan or wednesday at all, its just basic facts and if this strategy continues we will just fall through the leagues until we find our financial leavel. I mean what did this board buy us for. Seems a lot of effort for nothing. Its just so Barnsley this, richest owners in the championship but most clueless and tightest. Surely the plan has to be slow growth, slow steps forward until weve established ourselves in this league and can then look top end. Were just treading water all the time. Were in a swimming race with some competitors pumped with steroids and weve got one hand tied behind our backs. Its madness, personally i think theres a more sinister reason, as seen with the purchase of the club and some of our signings but that remains to be seen and just my opinion but up to press, nearly all the signings we have made look more towards what money we can make as opposed to team development and progression in the league.
You are right but this window has not closed yet for us & I would expect some incomings even if they are loans & we know they do not come cheap .
I also think getting rid of his players also forces his hand if he’s dithering so the club may be doing this intentionally but no excuse on comments about killian
The likelihood is you ll get the worse seats though surely? Personally I liked it when you could get a ticket in the Ponty and sit anywhere . There are usually some cheaper matches though throughout the season?
Please can we stop recycling this assertion that our owners are minted. There is no evidence anywhere that they have anything like that wealth, and their actions are certainly not those of billionaires.
After Saturday he supposedly went to Austria for a couple of days so he probably doesn’t get here til this morning so maybe that’s when any announcement will come
I didn't get to pick and choose which matches I could get to though, Helen. It depended on what time I could get out of work. I can say that without exception if I got a ticket for the East Stand it would be for the very top right hand corner regardless of many better seats being empty all game. Similar in the Ponty. Front two or three rows. Given a choice I'd never sit in either location. It's a poor option especially when there's plenty of better seats available. It had little impact on me though I wouldn't say none. But if I were a casual first timer it wouldn't have me rushing to go back in terms of the non football experience.
Yes, but they’ve never been quick in communicating with us. Could be a couple of months before they get round to telling us. They’ll just hope we don’t notice that he’s not in the dugout.
We're still going to be active in the transfer market, just not the overseas one, so it isn't a case of it all going it's just a case of us not spending it yet. By my *** packet maths we've got a c. £1.5-£2m deficit in season ticket sales. I imagine sponsorship income will be down by c. 80%, we're selling zero match day tickets, and no income from corporate hospitality. I think we hemoraeged cash last season bringing in the January signings without being able to move on the likes of Thiam/Pinnilos, so some of the departures feel like we're levelling the base wage bill. All of the above is probably why Dane said we're better positioned than most to take advantage of the transfer market - frustratingly we haven't done it yet! Trying to stay positive and thinking we'll get three domestic players through the door over the next ten days.
Not just casual fans. The same fans that regularly moan that we're not investing in the squad. Rip off Sky and BT all you want - they deserve it. But when it comes to your football club I think you should put your money where your mouth is and buy the pass. Assuming you can afford it of course, but if not then maybe don't comment on the lack of transfers.
All you say is true but it applies equally to every football club in the EFL. Other clubs in the championship are getting on with it not frozen rigid like a rabbit in car headlights As the saying goes ‘when the going gets tough the tough get going’