My understanding is it’s 60% of turnover allowed on wages BUT and it’s a big but: 1) Players who signed a contract before September 2021 on more than 3 years aren’t included. Interestingly as well it appears there is no limit on transfers (not sure if signing on fees are classed as transfers or wages).
I may be completely wrong but didn't Conway threaten legal action if any points deduction for them or Reading was delayed until the following season, arguing that any punishment should come in the same season in which an offence took place? I seem to recall that they were very upset about that and subsequently about us wanting to be at the hearing. They appear to have somehow attached Conway's statement to all of us and completely missed how unpopular Conway was. Having said that, I think he was completely right on this particular issue albeit perhaps his motives were purely about financial benefit.
Yeah he might have also been doing it for his own means, but Conway was 100% right in doing that. And also, any other club would have done the same, and they are lying if they claim otherwise.