‘Barnsley are somewhat of a nothing club. Been a football league member I think for about 120 odd years and have played in the top flight for one season, pretty abysmally it has to be said. Not even reached a major cup final this side of the First World War. Even Georgi Hristov branded the local women ugly when he had the misfortune of playing there. The town is in the shadow of Sheffield, a fine city and personally I found nothing appealing about Barnsley when visiting there. So all in all it must be a pretty dire and uninspiring club to follow so perhaps we should cut them some slack. For context we have achieved more in the last 15 years than they have in their entire existence, so jealously is clearly playing a part in their’ Saw this on their forum. The bit about what they have achieved in 15 years is the bit they don’t get, otherwise even his fellow fans should really be putting him straight. A rich man chucking money at a club with only 2,000 fans isn’t an achievement of any sorts. They are the most extreme example of a hobby club in the history of the football league. No ones jealous, just disappointed that some fans think that’s acceptable.
I don't know. I wouldn't mind winning the FA cup, even if we did have a rich owner bankrolling it. We've had our day in the Prem doing it the "proper" way. But I wouldn't swap places with Wigan.
If you're happy to go along to the games of your financially-doped club, and cheer when they win the FA Cup, then you have to suck it up when the unsustainable spending is inevitably called in. Would I (attend the games)? Probably. Would it be the fault of, say, financially-stable Rotherham or Wycombe, that we got 12 points deducted and ended up dropping through the divisions? No - it'd be on us, and the criticisms I would make (somewhat hypocritically, bearing in mind I rode the wave of success) would be directed at my club.
Just leave them alone. They’ve been lashing out at anything and everything for the past few months, stirred up by morons on social media. The keyboard warriors on there aren’t representative of 100% of Wigan fans I’ve met.
I know you mate, and I think that like me you’d be embarrassed if we were in their shoes with regard to starting point and investment. I like us being what we are. Yeah we went into administration after the tv debacle, but for a very small amount, and yes we do return a trading loss now and then, but our business model isn’t dependant on having to lose money to get the players we want. BFC can be proud of spending almost 80yrs at this level on a modest budget. Wigan might think it eventless but most of them never saw their team prior to Whelans involvement. They hate the situation they’re in, but they’ve only gone back towards where they started. They were always edging that way after they left the prem.
I am proud of the whole #teamslikebarnsley thing, mate. It gets rolled out when an overspending club like Derby or Wednesday show up with an expensive squad, find themselves outplayed, and going home with no points. We are a proper 'punch above your weight' club. To be such, means you have used your resources in a clever way, and can make them stretch further than many of your opponents. Part of me wouldn't mind seeing us win something proper, even a League Cup, in my lifetime. I don't think it'll ever happen, though, and if we did it, I'd want it to be in #teamslikebarnsley mode, rather than because a rich benefactor has thrown a billion at it. As Wigan found out, it's nice while it lasts, but eventually the benefactor gets old, bored, dies, or his/her business takes a downturn, and the money suddenly dries up. And I'd certainly sooner still have a club, than one which recently won something but went the way of Bury - which may yet happen at Wigan. It doesn't bother me if other fans think my club is a nothing one. Most clubs don't win anything, and the ones who do are almost always financially doped, meaning their day in Wigan's situation will likely come, too. With regard to our administration, it was a weird one, anyway. From what I can remember, it started because NatWest pulled our £250,000 overdraft, and that domino falling set all the others ones toppling, too, because when you go into admin, all your liabilities are theoretically due. Hence why Wigan could no longer pay for Moore in installments, because they needed to settle the balance before winding up the old company, and setting up a new one. Someone correct me on this point if I am wrong.
The bottom line is their club or powers that be royally F &^%$d up= We didn't and we didn't make their bent owners do what they did By our chairman ( and he had the right) being at their hearing wouldn't have had any bearing on the already efl rule in place for teams entering admin Yes ,their is click bait on both sides on social media regarding this but are they more offended by pi55 taking than their own inept, unprofessional, disloyal owners ? Who loved them dry followed by a reacharound, really, does this annoy them more than the reason they are falling faster than a Yorkshire man dropping a tenner.
The whole Wigan thing is really lame. The fault is all on the owners of the club - they put them into Admin just after buying them. It's not Barnsley's fault. There's a small group of fans on both side who have been stirring this up on social media for months. Everyone needs to recognise that it's just a smal group of muppets.
They seem to have a gripe at the Barnsley management for speaking at the appeal hearing, despite having no idea what was said.
I think most Wigan fans know who’s really to blame tbh and it’s just the few key board warriors from both clubs and others who’s stirring the pot. It could have been any one from four clubs in our position and the resentment would have been the same . They’re hurting and rightly so and I think one or two of their fans were genuinely concerned about the overspending before it got to this stage if they’re honest about it. If some want to make a rivalry out of it then that’s healthy imo gives the games a bit of oomph, just hope the Neanderthals from both teams advocating violence are put in their place . Don’t want any club to go under and just hope the EFL vets these owners and puts hard and fast rules and restrictions in place for any chancers coming in either as hobbyists or venture capitalists. It’s hard to compete with the super rich clubs but funding beyond the means is not the way to go as we’ve seen . We should be looking at the Burnley’s etc to compete imo although I’m sure someone will prove me wrong and tell us they’re not .
I've no problem with a local businessman like Whelan investing his own money into his home town team much like Jack Walker did. He just did it on a larger scale than Patrick Cryne. You could see how much it meant to Whelan when they won the FA Cup against all odds. They were small fry at that stage and up against the billionaires of Man City. It was a great achievement. However, once you sell out to foreign investors with no interest in football it becomes a lottery. There's a good chance we could be shafted by our own owners in the same way Wigan were so we cant get too cocky. I've had some good away days at Springfield Park and the DW and have no problem at all with their fans. They're hurting and lashing out at us because we effectively sent them down. I hope they survive because to all intents and purposes " but for the grace of Cryne" we could be in the same boat.
Have to disagree with the “we sent them down “ tbh . They were going down because they broke the rules and didn’t gain enough points to ride it out that season . They would have gone down on the same scenario whether we lost to Brentford or not . Different scenarios and Luton Charlton , Brum could have been saved but with Wigan not beating Fulham they were going down with or without us .
You're right, I'd forgotten Charlton finished above them as well as us. Even if we'd lost to Brentford they were still going down. I think the animosity stems from our fans goading them on social media rather than the fact we stayed up.
Yep . yhink we can safely say the more sensible fans from both clubs will recognise what it is . The fact that our club were concerned about the extraordinary EFL meeting or the review body says more about the previous bizarre rulings imo. Wigan seemed aggrieved with this but as we’ve seen with the Sheff Wendy ruling earlier this season with points given back the review body are not to be trusted .
Another few months and they are due for an anniversary card ,12th months without an owner, bet there's a few cobwebs in that boardroom