They must be pretty damn close to that considering the £25 million owed to New Leader Fund must have occurred recently.
It depends. Debt isn’t the same as losses. If New Leader Fund put £25 million into the club as a loan, I don’t believe that is counted as losses. I’m sure someone else knows more than me about the financial side, I’m not an accountant, but as I understand it that would be income into the club? The losses are in the repayments I believe.
Presumably not the loan itself as the club would have that money as an asset to offset what they owed but surely it'd represent a loss if and when they spent it, or more likely if they'd already spent it and the loan was to allow them to pay the bills.
Losing £12 million a year, took Moore off us as they could “afford” to pay him £16k a week. No sympathy hope they go bust- no great history, just artificially rose on the back of a millionaire, bye bye.
"Why do we owe Leek Town?" "Why do we owe Sunderland?" etc. etc. They genuinely have no clue about their own football club
And because a few from both sides Were having a go at each other on Twitter etc we are the worst fans this side of Hell . They wanting someone to blame someone they can poison to other clubs fans for sympathy . Horrible lot are the Wigan Fans remember em coming to town and picking on blokes with younguns on tow . Shows what they are like when Blackburn Fans hate then for booing Bradley Dack as he was being stretchered off Horrible Horrible people Glad to see back of em , Artificial Club Artificial fans .
What do they owe sunderland for? The last dealing I can remember between the two clubs was wigan selling grigg to them for 4 million having their pants down.
Oh dear, never mind! I almost had some sort of sympathy with the Wigan fans, but now they can go forth and multiply. You reap what you sow
This is exactly why I think all transfer monies should be paid up front (Exceptions being such things as youth team players, playing for your country etc). If you can't afford £x million pound cash, you can't afford the player, tough luck. I have to feel for Leek town too.
I've just found this which explains the loans better. The £25 million is what Choi injected into the club as working capital over the 18 months of his tenure. The new owner lent it to Wigan, so they could repay it.
They've definitely been well and truly shafted for some bizarre unexplained reason. The fans have every right to be angry, and one can't help thinking there but for the grace of god... Having said that any sympathy I might have had for them has evaporated after they turned, and continue to turn, their anger onto us.
This guy is becoming very irritating. At what point do Wigan fans realise that their own Club, its board and its previous owners all had responsibility for its own protection? It has just become their standard statement to blame the EFL. Whelan got out, did they just expect the EFL to do all their work for them? I’m no fan of the EFL, but Wigan fans seem to be continually absolving themselves from any blame. · 33s This needs to be abundantly clear: . Two months later we owe £25m to the very owners that the EFL approved. Club killers.
They are getting more and more confused with their own situation and won't be corrected by anyone. I was presented with a document last night which actually proves that the club paid off the previous owner's £25 million cash injection at the time of the sale and the money to do it obviously came from NLF. The Wigan fan had got it all arse about tit and wouldn't be told otherwise.
The really funny thing is if we had beaten Wigan at home and had 2 more points, we wouldn't even be talking about this now. Some other team - Birmingham - would. It just proves that Wigan's fans don't know what is happening, they are just lashing out at anything and everything. Would we be the same in their position? I'd like to think not. To the point where , after having a few weeks to think about it, I would have been angry with the Administrators for even putting an appeal in. I would have accepted the decision gracefully, and got relegated peacefully. It wouldn't have been anyone's fault but our owners