Yep, typical right wing politics . Instead of talking policy talk about how dumb the opposition are .
Don’t apologise, your just re-enforcing what’s already been mentioned about the *****/ fear about Labour and Corbyn. Personally, I would’ve done something like a Turkey dressed in Xmas decorations ticking the vote Tory box.
True. Big article in Daily Mail about how much of a disgusting anti-semitie Corbyn is - writer said it insulted his family who died in the holocaust. So they chose a paper who supported Hitler in 30's
Chancellor Philip Hammond has lost 20 billion down the sofa. Don’t be a racist mysognist all your life.
I’d say so. In lead in the polls. Best local election results in a generation (despite the RW media trying to hide it) a 3 million vote kick on from milliband. His achievement in changing the overton window should not be minimised and unless he wants to quit I can’t see the Labour Party membership getting rid of him unless he wants to go. I personally think he has done what he needs to do and he should let Raynor or Thornberry take over but I can’t see that happening.
You're right- there are lies about Corbyn. He let's people believe the biggest one- that he is in any way pro EU.
He'll be labour leader til he's as decrepit as Michael Foot was. He's ring fenced himself in. So he can lose as many elections as he likes, and he'll still be there. To ever be a PM he somehow has to bridge a divide of remainers and leavers in his heartlands, while somehow appealing to middle england to some degree and winning back Scotland. he also has to get his party to come up with a credible plan to deliver, or not, Brexit. So far, the words are like shifting sand and I'll be damned if I know what they want to do. The tories are absolutely dreadful, divided and disjointed... not to mention a mix of corrupt and incompetent. Despite that, Corbyn still wont be able to generate a majority. if you look at the numbers last election, Labour were miles off a majority.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we are seeing the beginning of the end of the two party system. Both majors are split. Momentum trying to take over Labour seats whilst the Blairites try to hang on. The Conservatives totally split between The Brexit and Remain factions.
I have to disagree with you there Bfc1001. The criticism of him by members of the Party,the Press, has been the same since he entered politics. He is a loathsome individual who thrives on chaos and disharmony (ring any bells?) It takes some kind of incompetence,that when we have have a divided weak government. The opposition party is constantly behind in the polls,not trusted by the public and offers no credible hope or mechanism to help this country when it needs it most in these uncertain times. People can go on about a Socialist alternative,rec. The people of the UK are not going to vote for it,they didn't in the 1970s,80s,90s and certainly not this century. The rise of the Far Right in this country and beyond is a failure to move to a more inclusive Democratic party, which is more Centrist. Tony Blair and Kinnock saw that and Labour was returned 3 times. Dave Cameron saw that and the Conservatives won. Both major parties have returned to the extremes, rendering our Politics null and void for the time being, as there is no one for the majority of the public to vote for ,under our first past the post system. Labour should be miles ahead in the polls and poised to win an election,due to its leader and policies, it has no chance.
spot on,politics in this country at the moment is dreadful,millions are disillusioned with politics,parties are bickering among themselves,mud slinging everywhere because both governmernt and opposition alike are unable to sort themselves out.. Corbyn will not bridge the gap between remainers and leavers because leavers see him as a leaver that coundnt go thru with his convictions,as a back bencher he was a leaver as a leader he was a 'remainer' I use the term lightly because you dont suddenly change your mind after three decades of opposing everything the union did,as leader he is probably frightened of losing union most unions of pro remain
Pro-EU centrist MPs of both sides could form a new party and be in the majority in the commons if they so wished.
Regards your first point , yes historically he is seen as divisive. For example he voted against the Iraq war and at the time that was seen as him been a trouble causer , but history has shown he was correct . As for your other points , it's hard to tell how well he is doing . The only info we get is from the media and I'm afraid non of it is to be trusted , too many vested interests within those particular organisations . You can argue that no one wants to return to an older style of socialism under Corbyn but in 2008 capitalist institutions used socialism to bail itself which makes the argument against Corbyn hypocritical.
Are you seriously calling me a racist? I'd happily meet and prove you totally wrong it was a light hearted joke ffs. I'm not sure which part of it was racist but you are barking up the wrong tree with that one.
Bit out of context that response to say the least. Abbott has proved time and time again that she has not properly done her homework when it comes to figures (as have many others over the years) There is lot's of documentary evidence so the comment made is undoubtedly a reference to that. Even though i am on the opposite side of the spectrum to redrum i would guess he wasn't, in this instance, making this point because abbott is female or black.
I fully expect Corbyn to still be Labour leader at the next election, but whether he can win is another matter. I think the best he can hope for is being the largest party in another hung parliament. Getting a majority looks a stretch, even with the Tories a complete shambles.
Normally made by white blokes who didn’t go to oxbridge and get a first and weren’t voted parliamentarian of the year. They may not realise they are racist but they are. Anyone can **** up when being interviewed live as indeed our current Chancellor did and has done several times. Personally I’m no fan of Abbott but all that stuff is pushed by a racist and sexist right wing press and lapped up by people who at heart are the same.