It's idiotic but it's also on Woodrow as captain to realise there will always be a few pillocks in the crowd and to ignore them. There had been exchanges during the match. He should be firing up the crowd, not ironically clapping the jeering few.
that's just about the point i was trying to make, but as a professional they should conceal their emotions in such cases, i have to cop abuse in my job but must suck it up, just saying like
I seem to remember Adam Hammill getting similar abuse from some at our end of the Ponty End, just before Christmas 2015.
Woodrow works his nuts off and he’s far from the main problem at minute but for me he should have just walked away from it and not got involved.Seemed to me Woodrow was looking for a argument.
Call me a big soft lass but no-one should be told to just suck it up. Not professional footballers, not council workers. No one.
It’s way over the top and simply not needed. I don’t care how much you pay to watch it, nobody deserves to receive that kind of thing. When the full time whistle went, I got up and left. Angry yes, but no abusing anyone. If folk want to boo then let them but abuse is too far.
Well said. It’s nothing new, but more prevalent in the current culture. At least my generation only baffled the parents, didn’t embarrass them in this manner. But now we’re talking couple of generations in with some folk. Nicky Eaden, of all Reds players, was getting it 20 years ago, in the warm up. One of the reasons I avoid the Ponty. Gobshites are starting to outnumber the real supporters. Disappointing..
How’s any of that excuse calling Woodrow an wa@nker? Not just that, doing it with such vitriol? Don’t get it , no player deserves that but he never fails to put in a shift.
it's the "customer is always right" scenario like in most jobs so you've gotta suck it up at times, no doubt woody can afford to piss his employers off by getting involved in an altercation but mine wouldn't be too happy even if they knew i was right
I would like to think Woodrow knows that that's not representative of how we all actually feel. Fücking babies.
Cauley Woodrow (@CauleyWoodrow) Tweeted: It’s easy to stick by us when we are up. We need you even more when we are down. To our fans that stick by us thank you, we will and are trying to come back stronger! @barnsleyfc ⚪️
The number of opportunities Cauley has had to walk away for more money when all the other decent players over his tenure have, yet he’s chosen to stay. He’s literally the last person in the squad that should be getting grief.
It wasn't anyone in the Ponty. It was an utter tool in the Club 64 area. A complete and utter horrible stuck-up masturbating person.
The one time I went in Club 64 I assumed it was named after the combined IQ of everyone in there. Some right bellends.
I have no problem with the players as such most of them are that young they still need coaxing and proper coaching from a proper coach and encouraged. But I do think as club captain Cauley should approach schopp and the board and tel them what the fans want. In a similar way as the Ebland cricket captain has a say in things
Completely counter productive and uncalled for, Coupled with fans on the concourse on the brink of a punch up, as if we aren’t all fed up enough, we have mindless people acting like this, it’s so depressing.