Don't forget to take ceremonial tongs and forks when sacrificing the bangers and demonically dressed chicken thighs. I'm off to remove the winter lining inside my coffin, these long and hot days are spoiling my slumber.
I remember in the billion page long US presidential thread I mentioned Bidens past racism and what a surprise people defending it lol. Anyways don't argue with me too Redhelen, I already got like what 6-7 against me? Haha. I know you're anti-gun (which is fine) but you're awesome!
All us archaeologists are racists & fascists. Those Indiana Jones' films paint us in a bad light, fighting fascists, thugees & communists!
They do have form in the US for these types of conspiracies . Salem for one where some kids were larking about and pretending they’d seen something and as soon as the responsible adults heard of this they quickly rallied and found some scapegoats and duly hung them till outside authorities intervened . Also many black people and a few whites but mainly blacks and native Americans lynched on just a word where whole towns and districts forcing themselves to believe the conspiracies to justify their bloodlust turned out for a picnic.
No Tombaia, you don't understand that Antifa and woke culture can be about different things in different countries. You also can't understand that your opinion on what Antifa is may be different to others.
I think he was saying that we need to have a consistent approach to any injustice. I think he's right in saying that people just get on with their lives. So they should.
That reminds me Scorsese is doing an adaptation of Killers of the Flower Moon. An amazing and shocking book about the treatment of native Americans.
Actually I do understand that lol, you're the first person to even mention it though. I guess the antifa movement isn't as big in the UK but I'm sure they still exist, weren't they the ones breaking into speeches and throwing milkshakes at people? Either way though if you're serious about what you just posted then you have to acknowledge that people have dismissed what they do just so long as it's in a different country. Like yeah they might be in evil in the US but in the UK it ain't as big so nevermind.. But people on here defend the evil stuff anyways so if they wanted to kill British cops it wouldn't matter.
I'm clearly not a troll or again is that just a way of dismissing anyone who doesn't agree with you? The trolls are people who compared flag burning antifa to WW2 veterans.
I think what people are opposing is the entire left being tarred with the 'antifa' brush. There are no doubt bad people on the left as there are on the right and in the US things seem to be more extreme on both sides. You are correct that your understanding of antifa in the US is probably different and more extreme to what we hear in the UK. However I think you are incorrect to conflate antifa with woke culture. Being woke over here is about being fair, progressive and open minded. This can of course be taken to extremes by the left, which draws criticism from the right and can be used as a stick to beat the whole movement with. But woke culture as a movement is an inherently good thing when not taken to far left extremes.
The Tulsa Massacre was the result of a black man accidentally tripping and catching hold of a white girl to stop his fall. He was accused of rape, and it escalated into aerial bombing raids on the affluent black community in the city and over 200 dead. It was also covered up for the best part of a century.
Thank you for like a sensible comment it's appreciated. Lot of comments now haha but I did say earlier that the left isn't antifa and that a lot of liberals in the US speak out against them and woke culture. Ofcourse we support being fair, progressive and open minded but woke culture, sadly, is different and more associated with ruining peoples lives for old tweets or jokes. Cancel culture goes hand in hand with woke culture. But yeah, no problem with your comment at all man and thanks again.
You’re mistaking lawbreakers for people that hate fascism imo. As people have tirelessly told you on umpteen occasions the antics of lawbreakers are not the soul of the anti fascist movement . But then you are choosing to believe this but yet deny that the insurectipnists were rallied and rabble roused by your president . That he invited them to invade and seek out the vice president , speaker , and leader of the opposition . It seems you are selecting the parts you want to argue , as I said when things don’t go to plan in USA find a scale goat to rally against .
I'm a white male, just turning 30. I apologise if I came across aggressive to anyone earlier in the thread. It's never my intention. Though when the dust settles I always question whether I'm too blunt. My point stands about the dangers of ideology, though. Earlier this year I had a terrible experience with an individual because I said I think the TV licence should be scrapped. All I said was there's nothing more regressive than charging poor people to watch television. I had everything slung at me. Fascist, everything. How absurd is that? Their ideological views dictated that the licence fee and the BBC are beyond reproach and any challenge to that means you're Nigel Farage and you hate immigrants. Another horrific experience I had earlier this year - which included personal insults and threats - was after I said I didn't think Biden bombing Syria again was a smart move. And that there's a correlation between Western involvement in the Middle East and terror attacks at home. Disregarding that I'm studying a PhD in International Politics and large chunks of my MA surrounded terrorism and international security, I was branded a left wing nutter and terrorist sympathiser. That time, their right wing ideology dictated that if you don't support bombing the Middle East into submission, you're a fruitcake and deserve beheading. Ideology is dangerous and not everyone realises when they're being played by it. I'm not saying anyone here is stupid - my point is rather ideology is very powerful and attractive, but it's unbelievably dangerous.