Fair enough but why not just an 'ordinary' picture when they issued the statement? TBF we are probably never going to agree on this, I just don't like her, to me everything she does screams of manipulation and getting her own way at the expense of everybody else , for example who was she before she married him, a very ordinary actor. Even her own dad says she uses people moves on and dumps them.
That is an 'ordinary' pregnancy announcement picture. Her dad who repeatedly staged paparazzi pictures?
really repeatedly? She has a whole publicity machine working for her that generate positive comments from 'unknown' sources , who has that poor sod got on his side, not even his own daughter apparently. You never see an 'ordinary ' picture of her, not even on what was supposed to be a private Rememberance Sunday visit to the cemetary, she always knows where the camera is, and now they are doing an interview with a tame interviewer. Like I say we will never agree, you obviously like her I only take notice because I think she will be well and truly caught out one day.
I really couldn't care less about any of it but was her Dad around for her as a kid? I may be wrong but I get the impression not, in which case I have limited sympathy for him now.
I don't like or dislike her. I do dislike how she is treated by the press and how that has twisted people's views on her doing ordinary things. What did she do wrong on Remembrance Sunday, wear a shade of 'nude rose' lipstick one shade darker than Kate's 'nude'? A dad who spreads lies and takes fake photographs to make money at the expense of his daughter isn't a 'poor sod'.
omg that sperm as earnt his stripes getting to the egg,he must have been the tom cruise of sperm, mission impossible ,
No idea what nude lipstick is and it was just her and Harry in America. For somebody who doesn't like her or dislike her you don't have defend her a lot. You say her dad spreads lies, which would infer you believe everything her PR organisation drip out on her behalf. I have no idea, but to me he does seem to have been hung out to dry by her, and without the polished PR she has, he comes across as very hamfisted. Nor do I think she does 'ordinary' things without there being a camera or reporter organised somewhere, even when she does something 'secretly' it mysteriously finds its way to the press. As I say I don't 'like' any of them ( although have respect For HMQ) just think Meghan is 'false' and constantly plays the victim and milks it for all its worth and take notice to see when she is found out.
You don't have to like someone to see how the press demonises them relentlessly to appeal the hard of thinking and sell papers. The fact that you've jumped on the bandwagon says everything anybody needs to know about you really. Same as DB3k. Says it all really when you and him are on the 'Fake News' bandwagon yet are all in on it when it appeases your existing prejudices.
https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/meghan-markle-prince-harry-naive-los-angeles-privacy I don't mind the pair of them. But if you claim to want privacy and then move to the showbiz capital of the world, do a deal with the biggest streaming platform in the world and accept an interview with the biggest talk show host in the world, it doesn't scream privacy.
They don't want to be royal but want all the royalty's she's definitely corrupted him. They're fair game in my opinion.
I'm as anti monarchy as they get but let me know if Princess Katie ever gets press like this at the same, consistent level.
my gran never liked Lady Di and everyone liked her, said she had sneaky eyes, I try and just live and let live apart from my hatred of the hairy bikers
they are not what they seem and will sell out to highest bidder, they are veggie hairy bikers now ,make space for us on the bandwagon lads, that's just my opinion and yes they are the squeakiest of the squeak
Says even more about you when you make judgements on me when you know sod all about me apart from stuff I put on here, must be the power of the BBS eh, but hardly multiple sources is it? I didn't have any existing 'prejudices' about her when I decided she was fake. I don't read papers just keep an eye on the news feeds and watch the news on the telly. I haven't jumped on any bandwagon, just apparently dared to state one that you don't like. I might even be wrong but just happen to have t to have an opinion on what's happened over the years
Got to say they don't half have some good rib eye steaks in the Royal farm shop in Windsor. Prime Sussex beef
My understanding is they stepped back from royal/public life due to the incredibly negative press that they received. So much so, that Harry was likening it to that received by his mum who was hounded wherever she went. If they have a publicity machine churning out positive stuff, it’s not being picked up by the gutter press at all. The examples given in one of Jamdrop’s comments shows clearly the vitriol that is dripped on them. A suggestion for the gutter, right wing press - don’t write about them at all, don’t give them the publicity that you’re so angry about. Let them to it.