No. Hard mode means that if you get a green you have to keep that letter in its place for all future attempts. If you get a yellow you have to use that letter in all future attempts but can choose where to try it.
Bit of a weird one today. Had no idea it could exist as a stand alone word, rather than as a suffix. Only got it as nothing else could possibly fit with the letters I had.
Exactly the same for me, never heard of it as a stand alone word, only got it through process of elimination,
46 years old and never heard of todays word, never heard it spoken or read it in text. Had to google the meaning. got it on the last go just by complete guess fully expecting it to say no such word. doesnt even look reight
Got it on 5th attempt, its an old word but it came to mind eventually. Up to 51, long way to go to topping my 175 though
One I’ve only really ever used or seen with a d or s at the end but definitely not completely unheard of
I got it in 4. Was surprised it accepted it as only put it in because I couldn’t think of anything else that fit the letters
Been using it a while as it puts the a and e in unusual positions and also uses other common letters - good starter word, have to pick a different one now...
Interesting I'd never have used it to start - took me 5 goes today which is below average, Got yesterdays in 2 though
did it in 3 today, but knowing my wife's starting word I thought she'd get it in 2 as 4 letters would be green, but she picked the only other option on her second go
Standard 4 for me though worried after 3 as only had 2 letters and I didn't know where any of them needed to be just some places they weren't