Obviously an issue with either how my brain works or my colourblindness (unlikely). I just can't process the green/yellow thing, even though it is literally 2 instructions. Then again, it's only been 2 days, after listening to in-depth analysis in the Dove. 0/6 0/6 Must do better.
Yellow you have the right letter, green you have the right letter and in the right place. So after guess 2 I had 3 yellow and 1 green letter that also was the first letter hence me being able to guess in 3 go's
It just means you need to move the yellows stay with the greens and ditch the ones that are still grey Mine today - a bog standard 4 as follows So first guess I had the last letter right and it stays for all following guesses The first letter was one that is used but in the wrong place Second guess I moved the letter that was in position 1 to position 3 and kept the letter in position 5 and tried 3 new ones The letter I put in position 1 was used but not in that place For guess 3 I still got my original letter 1 in the wrong place and 2 others in the wrong place. But now I know where the first letter goes because its not in 3 places and cant be in the last place. I also knew for sure where the letter I introduced in guess 2 went as I had 2 wrong places and 2 places it couldnt be And as I knew the position of 3 letters and knew one place the 4th letter wasnt I also knew where that went so by guess 4 I actually knew 4 letters and where they went. I knew 6 letters were not used so I just had to find the missing letter that made a word - I could only think of one and it was right Hope this helps
I think the strategy you use depends on what you're trying to do. @Farnham_Red is aiming to get it in as few guesses as possible. If you 'only' want to make sure you get it right within 6 then you can take a different tack as follows. Think of 3 words with no common letters (15 different letters in total). To optimise your words, make sure that between them all the vowels are included and most of the common consonants. Make these 3 words your first 3 guesses regardless of any yellow or green squares. After this you're likely to have most of the letters and know where some of them are. Use guesses 4-6 to guess the word. I do this and mix it up a bit by (a) thinking of three different words each day (at the very least not using the same words in consecutive days), (b) remembering the previous day's word and starting my guess with the word that has fewest common letters with that one and (c) if I get 3 greens in my first couple of guesses I just try and guess the word.
Its a concentration thing. Even though I know, and have been told, that yellow means 'right letter, wrong place' ...... when I start, I compute it as 'right letter, right place'. I'm obviously not wired right. Am hoping for third time lucky tomorrow.
It just gave me the option to share after I'd finished my go so I pressed it and it copied to my clipboard.