To be honest it was mainly tongue in cheek. I appreciate it probably didn't come off like that though.
Your business would appear to be ideal for on-line environment. We are a business of eight. We are all tech savy when it comes to the software we use but we are not zoomers and training is not an online experience for us.
But since lockdown it’s hard to gauge how the local economy is gonna go , it may be that if they not commuting into the city they don’t spend their time in the local community as they are doing now . It’s not a given that the extra customers will be there because they not commuting. Maybe it’s the commuters to Streatham that’s keeping the economy going . If people are talking of Barnsley Town Centre being a difficult commute and the local economy suffering because of working from home I’m sure Streatham etc are in just as much danger surely .
Lining the pockets of tax dodgers though. Dare I ask what types of things you are using Amazon for. Cos apart from convenience some of their prices don’t beat The prices you pay by buying locally. Going out and shopping around locally you will pick up better deals and getting exercise instead of being cooped up in the house and the only thing you exercise is your finger. (generalisation not aimed at you personally by the way) it sounds as though you’re not locked away given your post. The present set up is now being adhered to far more than even a month ago and feels much safer when out and about. ( not perfect but better) Gior spending on Amazon ( I have made a personal decision not to) And help those who need it most. The businesses of Barnsley in particular. Assuming you’re from Tarn.
I am from tarn and I'm not locked away at all no. In fact I have worked throughout and I have very little fear about being around anyone. Having to wear a face visor at work for 8-10 hours 5 days a week is enough for me. So as long as we have social distancing and mask wearing I'll be continuing to limit my trips out. Starting Wednesday we'll be taking the kids back to school so that does at least give us another journey to make. On a positive I am supporting some local businesses as I'm currently in the process of moving house. So Butcher residential and Thomas masters removals are getting some custom from me.
The amazon and other tax dodging firms are easily solved if you have a determined Govt . A simple banning of sales or practices or even being able to operate or use the countries logistics could be stopped till they see sense . The fact our Govt chooses not to is evident of how many fingers are in certain pies either by companies that employ their friends or families or put them as company directors etc . It’s the lack of will ,connivance Or both that prevents this . These company’s are not riding roughshod alone or without advice imo .
Everyones either working from home or driving to their destination. No ones using them. Same with buses. Public transport is already subsidised up in the region of £750m since march. Wont be long before the rug gets pulled and services do not get reinstated. No point if they are not being used.
Having lived in the area it’s where people commute from rather than to. At the end of the day if the way people spend their time changes.businesses will either change alongside them or die. Brutal but true.
The only business losing my custom now that I'm not in the office as often is whoever runs the trains. That's a positive, not a negative. I often took my own lunch into the office, whereas now, I pop into my village for lunch from our local coffee shop or chippy etc. I can only speak for myself, but I am struggling to see the negative, knock-on impact from me working a few days of my week from home. The Tories are at fault. None of us. And I didn't vote for them/this.
Those businesses need to relocate to where there's still demand. Leisure, tourism and entertainment for example. They've strategically positioned themselves once, they can do so again.
Exactly. They even said that they were going to be running a 'get people back into work campaign' and stepping it up dramatically once schools are back open. They are doing it to drive their agenda as they have money tied up in commerical property and they're getting people fighting their side for them by making it an 'us and them' matter again. No-one should be forced to go in, no-one should be forced to stay home.
This is one of the most depressing Tory threads I’ve read. F.cuk surrounding business, that’s progress? 1000’s of businesses who rely on office footfall will go to the wall. They do not have the elasticity to respond. They will just go under. How can they ‘move with the times’? Some people on here need to have a serious word.
Your habits haven’t changed then. The businesses being talked about in this thread aren’t in the position they’re in because of you working a few days a week extra from home. It’s the much bigger picture than individual examples.
So what do you want the law to say then? Everyone who works at a computer must work in a designated city centre office? Working from home is now illegal? How long for, forever? As soon as the law is relaxed people will stay at home again. Is it just people currently in jobs that have to go into an office or can new starters be allowed to work from home? Why not make it the law that you must buy a coffee and a sandwich too? Think about what you are asking for. I've not seen anyone actually spell out what they want the new law to be that forces office workers to not be allowed to work from home. Can anyone who wants the neither the employee nor the employer to have a choice in the matter say what it is exactly that they are proposing?
Everyone has money tied up in commercial property from your Lord Haw Haw Tory MP to your office cleaners. It benefits everyone to retain the regular use of the space as eventually a lot of us will be finding out our retirement funds are worthless...
What’s more strategically positioned than a central hub ? If the strategically positioned in say Great Houghton whaeffect would that be on the borough . Not saying some businesses shouldn’t locate to these places but we need a central Hub with one. Commute for everyone .
As I and other 'office-based' workers have said in this thread, we've spent probably more money on the sort of things being referred to, now we have more free time to do so. I've been round Harrogate, Leeds, Barnsley and Halifax in recent weeks. And whatever the town was called near St. George's Park. Just spending a couple of hours having a look about, grabbing food, drinks, whatever. I wouldn't have had the time nor energy pre-COVID. I'd also point out I was dead against lockdown, and wasn't happy initially to work from home. But like I say, the benefits to my life have been plentiful and in this day and age, and at my age, in a country where my views are in the minority on most subjects, I'm not going to get down about not giving my coin to Northern Rail and its German owners.