Sustained it up for me was the throw ins. We moved a tiny way from where the ball went out and we're pulled up, they ran halfway up and got away with it!
The best one was Hirst already on a yellow looks at Thomas elbows him and no card but we get the free kick. 5 mins Later on Cole gets a yellow for far less. The morsey challenge that went unpunished too could have been a red that.
He got a yellow for that but should have been in the book due to 3 late challenges in the first half alone. As quite often the ref decided to be consistently inconsistent treating similar incidents differently.
Ah my bad I thought caddens challenge a few week back that he saw red for wasn't as bad as morseys. And don't get me started on the pen. Would we have got that at the other end? No chance.
At the time of Willard after the game I remember thinking its a conspiracy they don't want little old barnsley in the premier league and it was the final nail in the coffin. Last night the ref was so incompetent I don't know how duff and the players held their calm.
They're not accountable for anything are they?' I've said it before they're professionals now and are paid accordingly so they like players and managers should be interviewed and have to explain themselves' the non pen against Burton was an absolute disgrace but no doubt the ref slept soundly.
I agree I think next season var is rolled out to the championship. Definitely could have done with it this season.