It's also in my opinion no coincidence that the huge increase was perfectly timed with the wearing of masks (and therefore the relaxation of actual social distancing) in supermarkets
Mixed messages, such as "Eat Out to Help Out" contributed by giving people a false sense of security too. Interesting article on ElPais last night about spread. TLR a pub with no ventilation and 15 socially-distanced customers for 4 hours, the worst case is one infected person could infect 14 of the customers. Apparently Germany (and others) and investing heavily in air flow and artificial ventilation for such places.
think this is right. my wife had to ring to chase up the emergency services at work this week for a chap who may have had a stroke. The ambulance should have come within the hour. When she rang she found out they were diverting the ambulance from West Leeds. Concerning given that means all ambulances in surrounding areas were too busy.. the doctors have a unique number to ring emergency services and when she called that she was placed on hold, she said she’s never known that before.
Ok so how do people eat? You can't have online deliveries as that puts at risk the delivery drivers, the supermarket pickers and their families. Also there is no end game with lockdown it would just be a perpatual lockdown and release. There has to be a middle way rather than the current 'muddle way'
I dont know - shareholders of Serco benefit if this is dragged out longer as do some disaster capitalists I agree though all this seems to be doing is making it as long drawn out and painful as possible - whilst all the time focusing on marginal gains and ignoring the main causes of transmission. If you set out to make this as painful as possible it would be hard to do a better job
All shopping to be done prior to lockdown with limits on what you can spend to ensure things don't run out. I'm not saying that's the end game, but there's no end game with the current mess and at least my way will actually bring infections back down.
How does the family of 5 stockpile enough food for a lockdown where they can't get more food? Bonkers
Thats completely unworkable - most people dont have freezer space for more than a couple of weeks worth of food plus if we told everyone to stock up for a month we dont have the food available to sell - a lot of food production is just in time - see what happened last lock down - what about stuff that doesnt keep. To take just one trivial example what do dairy farmers do the cows wont stop for lockdown so do they have to milk them and then throw away several weeks worth of milk, same for fruit and veg producers you cant just pause the plants. Even a full lockdown has to keep food shops and other essential retail and support going. What happens if your heating pump dies - do you have to sit in the cold for weeks as no one is allowed to sell one - and presumably engineers arent allowed in the house. What about fridge or freezer packing up there is a huge list of things that really are essential - and shutting non essential shops is really a marginal gain.
It’d only be for a couple of weeks if we did it properly, you wouldn’t need much food. People will just have to cope without perishables for a bit I’m afraid. What’s the difference between shutting the milk industry down to shutting any other industry down? I’m not saying I have the answers, what I’m saying is we should either do a lockdown properly or don’t do it at all.
I cant decide if you are serious and have no clue what you are saying or on a wind up there are just so many things wrong with your plan I dont know where to start but just to stick on one trivial example What’s the difference between shutting the milk industry down to shutting any other industry down? err you cant just turn off cows for a fortnight.
Nah I was taking the p155 to see what the reaction would be from the likes of DEETEE, give them a taste of their own medicine with something so extreme. My actual plan, if I were in charge, and I have no more information than anyone else so obviously can't go into loads of detail, but I would do the 'circuit breaker', probably for 2-3 weeks every 2-3 months. They'd be well advertised and planned in advance and try to marry up with school holidays to minimise disruption. During that time, everything, and I mean everthing non-essential (looking at you ASOS) would stop. We'd all be made to stay at home with army on the streets if needed (hopefully people would just comply) and you'd be able to go out a limited time for essential shopping, healthcare appointments and caring duties. This period would be hard but we'd all know when it was coming and where we stand with it, it would then drag the virus rate back down towards zero (we're never going to hit zero) then it will build up again as we go back to normal then repeat as necessary. Businesses can plan for the known lockdowns which is surely better than the current situation now where you don't know where you are week to week. The lockdowns would be short so people aren't damaged too much mentally and they have chance to properly prepare for the lockdowns.In the times when we weren't in lockdown we would still need to have social distancing etc but at least we could get as back to normal as possible for a couple of months at a time. Obviously it's not great, but I just don't think this tiered system is working, people are confused and/or haven't got the will to comply any more. Oh, and anyone not able to work would get 80% of their wages again.
Wales are currently having a fire break or whatever its called. They have already planned in theory a second lockdown for around the end of January. A lockdown doesnt work. It just supresses and kicks the can down the road. The devestation caused to peoples health has been documented countless times on here. A recent Times survery suggests that one in ten people are having sucidal thoughts. Further research and investigations by one of the broadsheets suggest that 16 millon jobs will go over the next year and most SMEs will run oit of money. Cases were dropping in Manchester and now Nottingham before T3 restrictions. The Tier system is flawed. There isnt a way out. It isnt helped by Sage and the Independant version being full of Doomsday Forecasters. Nor any scrutiny from any one in Labour. We now live in a authoritarian country with one aim. To get a vaccine. The media have compounded the lack of other options as there is an Ofcom notice about challenging the Government and fear sells. We are now in respitory virus season be it flu, pnumonia, covid, rhino etc. People now are that fearful of the 'Rona they are not bothering with a Gp appointment but hitting 999 or turning up to A&E. We had the summer when viral loads are weakest to get everything opened up and 'let it rip'. We never did. Far too many people are lockdown fanatics. Especially those in well paid secure jobs. I saw a quote online ' lockdowns are for the scared middle classes to hide at home while the working classes fetch them things' A couple of weeks a go I said this... When you are sat picnicking with your family on a dog **** addled patch of mud next summer in your masks. When you cant go to the cafe or tje resturant cos they are closed. The pub for a pint because theyve shut down. No bowling for the kids. No swimming. No weekends away with the missus cos the hotels are housing the homeless. Kids cant see their grandparents. You cant see your mates. Your mental health is ruined. Your skint and fighting for shifts packing boxes with thousands of others. How many of you would say it was worth it?
Yeah I mean we would have been fine shutting the borders as late as February. The only people allowed in to the UK would have been those delivering us only the things we can't live without such as food. All these arriving here would have been tested on arrival. The only industry that would have needed furlough would have been aviation and billions would have been saved as we'd have continued normal life all the way through.