You would have gone mental. As I recall you were banging on about how it was nothing to worry about in March.
I'm getting out of the country. Mexico just removed it's need for any quarantine on arrival, so spending 14 days there allows me to then enter the US for Thanksgiving and my birthday, before coming back just before Christmas to quarantine for 14 days. Assuming I can take a test when I come back and if clear just attach myself back to my Mum's in Essex for Christmas. It's basically the equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and going 'la la la' for five weeks hoping it all blows over.
Lock downs and furlough is flawed. They had a blanket NHS staff are key workers so they attend but didn't take into account circumstances of individual workers. I was travelling from Rotherham to Pontefract everyday on public transport even though the Outpatients appointments had been changed to video conferencing and phone call appointments NFTF's. The only thing they were achieving there was maximising my risk of contracting the virus and passing it on to patients and visitors. (Money for old rope as they say).
Without at the same time causing a mad panic buying spree that leaves some people without even the basics?
Black Friday this year will be people running round supermarkets with trolleys stacked full of baked beans and bog rolls 48.7 million deaths worldwide this year but it's seems like only the 1.1 million who died with covid matter.
More people catch covid = more people in hospital with covid = less room for people in hospital with other illnesses = more people dying from other illnesses. Whichever way you look at it, we should be trying to reduce the spread of the virus, to protect people from the virus itself, and also to give people with other illnesses the best chance to get the treatment they need. And I've yet to see the idea of "protect the vulnerable" be backed up with a plan that doesn't amount to shielding half of the population, which would also be disastrous for the economy.
the choice definitely isn’t clear cut. It’s beyond daft to say so. If you take no action within weeks the NHS will be overrun. Bit long winded. But worth a read.
Perhaps if we all write a nice letter to Santa and put a Corona virus vaccine on our wish list he might pop some down the chimney (although it's a bit too late for this Christmas sadly) Had to cancel trip to see family at Easter so looks like Xmas is kiboshed too
Way I see it bugger Christmas, its overrated. Let's get on top of it, hope for a vaccine, get a proper track and trace system in place. Then you can come in the Spring, (its always warmer in Spring and less rainy). Have a good bbq's for a full week with good fish on it, nice wine sit outside until it gets dark. Its rubbish this year, but Bbq's are always better than Turkey and early evening sprout farts.
We shouldn't be giving Xmas a second thought as its a distraction. All efforts should be made to rid us of this virus whatever that takes..
Great post - this time of year average hospital admissions for breathing related infections is around 1000 a day, which is what we are being told now is COVID.