I wish I had a better memory. There's a stretch that starts with Jim Iley's latter seasons and ends with Norman Hunter. I can remember plenty of stuff from that era, although even then it's a bit patchy. After that it's all a blur until Danny Wilson, promotion and the Prem. Then more blank space until I started taking my son in 2003. Now I just rely on him as my portable memory bank.
I think it must have been that one when the driver of the coach my brother and I were on took a wrong turning out of York and the next thing we knew we were passing a sign reading Welcome to Stockton-onTees!
Good day out that was with @Chef Tyke and @Jimmy viz . Can't say the match was anything special, but the boozing round York was excellent, as were the fish and chips outside the ground.
The worst thing I saw at Bootham Cres was Brian Joicey getting booted in the kidneys, was never the same after, effectivly ended his career.
Remember a friendly there and we won 4-0. A kid next to me kept referring to the goalkeeper (Richard Siddall?) as 'David Watson' and I didn't have the heart to tell him he was wrong. My dad called over to Eric Winstanley going into the ground, he may have been caretaker manager then. Anyone remember the year? Was late 90s/2000ish..
I always look for their results, I’ve a real soft spot for York for no other reason than I love the place,
Mitch Ward got into a running feud with one of their players. We went for a walk around the ground and realised we'd found the away end when we happened upon Eugene and his daughter leaning against the wall scoffing chips!
Is it just me then, that thinks it looks like Wakefield Westgate? I'm guessing LNER got mates rates on cladding.
Nice bloke Eric Winstanley drinks in my local. He calls get's a taxi down to call for his Chinese and nips in for a pint while he waits for it. Wished me and Laura well just before Lockdown.
That's it ,I can remember him getting some stick of the reds fans who were singing a song simething like" If they score and we can't see it ,it doesn't count" or words to that effect.
Warnock then went to Crewe and played against Barnsley again that season. We won the match at Oakwell 3-1.